A Friend of Mine Popped for under 1g in Branch County. Fine Only?


Well-Known Member
As the title says, my friend was picked up with a small amount of bud in a small grinder. Coldwater, MI. No med card.

I'm personally not sure if this kind of thing goes to a fine, as he has no record. Wondering if he should get a court appointed attorney, but he's been off the tax radar for years, so that's a concern.

Any thoughts would be welcomed.

Under Michigan law marijuana is listed as a Schedule I controlled substance.

Possession of any amount is a misdemeanor which is punishable by a maximum sentence of 1 year imprisonment and a maximum fine of $2,000. A conditional discharge is possible.

Use of marijuana is a misdemeanor which is punishable by a maximum sentence of 90 days imprisonment and a maximum fine of $100.

Possession in or within 1,000 feet of a park is either a felony or a misdemeanor, based on the judge's discretion, and is punishable by a maximum of 2 years imprisonment and a maximum fine of $2,000.
Thanks man. I'm encouraging him to use the public defender.

Conditional Discharge is a great goal. I'm not sure that Coldwater is known for benevolence, however.
He will definitely get a fine. The courts will go after his drivers license for probably 6-12 month restriction. I would get an attorney asap. The courts will probably want some probation too.

Your buddy needs to show up to his court date with a couple hundred dollars in hand.
Coldwater sucks man.. Do you know if it was State or County that got him? I feel like the County Cops are bigger dicks around here, hope the best for him, I would go get my card asap though, and hire the best lawyer you can find.. Court appointed wont fight for ya like a hired one will
Coldwater sucks man.. Do you know if it was State or County that got him? I feel like the County Cops are bigger dicks around here, hope the best for him, I would go get my card asap though, and hire the best lawyer you can find.. Court appointed wont fight for ya like a hired one will

It was a State cop. The fine is one thing, any chance of jail time? Again, under 1g in a grinder, in the car. A search dug up nothing else.

EDIT: Not seeing any Norml recommended attorneys anywhere close to Coldwater, but I'm sure there's some.
My brother got busted with a half oz when he was 18 in gr county.they took him right in and he bailed him self out with the $120 he had on him. My parents got an attorney and he got 1 year probation pissing in a cup no jail and no record. He ended up writing a letter to the judge and got off 6 months early and keep on puffin to this day. He has a card now.
I also had a buddy a few years ago that had his card but then let it lapse. He was walking albeit belligerently drunk on st.pattys day down the sidewalk and a cop confronted him and just started demanding to see the weed. So he pulls out 1 joint. He didn't get arrested but had to appear in court the Judge told him to renew his card and he would be good. This was in Cadillac.
Read a stat the other day,don't remember where and think it was our state police. 85% of drug arrests are marijuana related and 95% of those are simple possession. I have a friend in county jail now and he says the place is full of marijuana and alcohol related offenses. It all seems do depend on the DA and the Judge where you get caught. With our for profit jail and prison system they lock up anyone they can it seems,even probation is about the money and the testing he will be put through,tell him to get a good lawyer just in case.
20,000 marijuana arrests (about 18,000 for simple possession) in michigan each year.

most people can do the fine. its the piss probation that gets people back in court, and even back to jail for probation violation. hundreds of people every week probation violation.

can your friend go a year without smoking? if not, he needs good mj lawyer. most of the detroit or a2 area mmj lawyers drive around to the whole state for cases anyway.
I wonder if getting a med card quick would help avoid the year of probation. He's broke broke broke for an attorney
some probation officers and courts have honored the med card while on probation.

it requires defendant to go before a judge and get a court order to allow mmj on probation. or tinkle dirty, get violated, and defend the card in court.

either way is difficult currently. because of shitty judges.

it cant hurt, especially if hes going to be smoking on probation. i would highly recommend anyone using marijuana get a card.
I wonder if getting a med card quick would help avoid the year of probation. He's broke broke broke for an attorney

I'd tell him to show up for court and ask for a continuance to get an Atty..he can use his Atty to drag this thing in court for 14-18 months while he gets his card...
As the title says, my friend was picked up with a small amount of bud in a small grinder. Coldwater, MI. No med card.

I'm personally not sure if this kind of thing goes to a fine, as he has no record. Wondering if he should get a court appointed attorney, but he's been off the tax radar for years, so that's a concern.

Any thoughts would be welcomed.


Sucks to get hemmed up in some piddly shit like that.
So what exactly has he even been charged with if he has been charged at all? Did the officer write him a citation and let him go or did they bring him in and process him or what?