Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
Or whomever was supervising the kid. Think he was a real young kid.

I purchased a membership to the Zoo here, haven't been yet but looking forward to it.
i could be wrong.. but wasnt the fence 4ft high and the kid only 3 years old?... kids mom should be facing charges in my opinion.. kids can easily sneak away from their parents. but at a zoo around animals that could easily crush that little dude, theres no way he should of been unsupervised long enough to scale a fence that high.. its not an adult running from the cops and jumping over that shit.. that kid had to of taken some time to do that

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
kids mom should be facing
They can't charge the mother because the zoo is afraid of their liability in the whole thing. It's that same concern that prompted them to take no-chance and exterminate the gorilla asap. Gorilla didn't do one fkn thing wrong. It was all the zoo, the kid and the kids parents. Sometimes life just ain't fair, but you usually don't get a firing squad over a misunderstanding or mistake.


Well-Known Member
They can't charge the mother because the zoo is afraid of their liability in the whole thing. It's that same concern that prompted them to take no-chance and exterminate the gorilla asap. Gorilla didn't do one fkn thing wrong. It was all the zoo, the kid and the kids parents. Sometimes life just ain't fair, but you usually don't get a firing squad over a misunderstanding or mistake.
Yeah usually, there's some people in Baltimore and Ferguson who might be inclined to argue that point.

Gary Goodson

Well-Known Member
Since it was domestic from birth and instinctually it was probably protecting the kid. Some experts read the situation that way too, after the fact. Not like the zoo had a choice. Lawyers forced the decision a long time prior to this incident.
If they had the shot to kill him, couldn't they have just use a powerful tranquilizer instead? Even it they hit the boy with the tranq, all that would've happened is when he got older, he'd be here on RIU with the rest of us drug addicts.

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
They can't charge the mother because the zoo is afraid of their liability in the whole thing. It's that same concern that prompted them to take no-chance and exterminate the gorilla asap. Gorilla didn't do one fkn thing wrong. It was all the zoo, the kid and the kids parents. Sometimes life just ain't fair, but you usually don't get a firing squad over a misunderstanding or mistake.
Regardless, its a gorilla. Of course they had to shoot it. Im surprised they dont have snipers at the ready. Its a fucking gorilla for God's sake. maybe in the future it should be wearing a shock collar that's strong enough to knock it out.


Well-Known Member
If they had the shot to kill him, couldn't they have just use a powerful tranquilizer instead? Even it they hit the boy with the tranq, all that would've happened is when he got older, he'd be here on RIU with the rest of us drug addicts.
they said something about the tranq taking too long for it to take effect. and i am not a drug addict.. i prefer to be called an RIU-american