Purest chem in seed form?

I know that Nspecta at CSI : HUMBOLDT has all four original Chem cuts (1-4) and has been dropping chemdawg1 and ChemD testers around. I'm currently running a bunch of Chemdawg1and ChemD x Urkle and Bubba testers atm.

well, im having no luck as of yet getting the acct working so I guess I wont be bidding lol Can the cuts be U.S. sourced other than ngr? If so anyone want to point the way? Has to be m.o. and the mail as opposed to cc purchase.
I've grown ISP's Chem d bx3, 91 bx, and IC91. I say ignore the haters, I can tell you from experience, ISP's gear is solid. On Canna Zon, their was some drama when a guy questioned how valid ISP's breeding cuts were. Ohso fired back and told the story of how AJ, one of Chemdog's inner circle, sold Chem 91 cuts in 93 (four cuts for $ 20K) to some mob guys, he worked for, so they could run it commercial down in FLA.

I had an uncle get busted growing Chem 91, a few years after that, he described the biker that brought it, and said the guy's nickname was " Salt ". On Breed bay there are a couple posts where Ohso says he used to go by Salt, when he was a smuggler. Those posts were years ago, before all this drama started.

A lot of the info lines up, between Breed bay, Ic mag, Canna Zon and other spots, but you have to piece it together. After reading the 91'chemdog thread on Ic mag all the way through, twice, it seems pretty obvious to me, the guys that keep attacking everyone else over chem genetics always seem to want to discredit the other guy. That way they can claim to have the only real deal cuts.

On Thc farmer some guy claims Ohso traded him some seeds, and Ohso renamed his Chem 4 bx, Chem D bx3. I doubt it, because other folks have posted that Ohso sent them Chem d bx3's seeds years before that trade ever took place.

Then Chronic Culture pops up on Thc farmer using ISP's Chem d bx3 in some of his crosses, but says it's he believes the other guy. But I heard he just went along with that guy so he could sell beans on Thc farmer, after fleeing Breed bay, leaving a bunch of people screwed with bogus fem'd beans he'd made and sold there as Charrmoro seeds or something like that. On Breed bay Chronic Culture went by westcoast547 and ommpkid , and he praised Ohso, but bashes him on Thc farmer a few years later ??

My Uncle Mike says ISP's Chem d bx3 is dead on for the Chem D he paid $ 600 to $ 700 a oz for in NY back in 2005. So, I'm of the opinion, it's best to ignore all the bullshit attacks and claims, and just get what you want, grow it, and let others know if it's worthy.

Honestly, how long does any cut stay exclusive ? Share it once, and it will spread like wildfire. I grew GH's Chemdog after it first came out, it was just ok, and not anywhere as good as ISP's for ease of growth, yield, or potency. So, I don't recommend GH's version. I also grew Green Beanz's Chem DD, it was very good like ISP's. I can't ever find TopDawg's and when I do, I'm usually broke. TopDawg charges too much for his seeds IMHO.

Yeah, I saw that as well as far as the guy saying ISP stole his cut and rebranded it. I believe that guys previous name was Dyn-o-mite. Shit will drive ya absolutely crazy. I was heading towards trying to meet chem back a few years ago through another guy that I met but it never materialized. probably a good thing as the bust went down shortly after. Funny, I went to school in that town and the fuzz new what was up even way back then. Too small a place in that area there. Either way, this cut that cut this guy that guy, shit drives me absolutely crazy reading all this stuff. I guess it sux me in like a soap opera so to speak. Either way, I may just try ISP's stuff> Missed out on JJS and beanbid aint a working as of now.
@eyes Check this out. https://www.icmag.com/ic/showpost.php?p=7456563&postcount=1202

Seems that talk of theft and rebranding was only gossip. TheDocta backed away from Sierraskunks claim against ISP and now says he doesn't know the whole story. Then attacks their skunk, in a let's change the subject move, based on what he heard. ;) Yes, that what he's heard stuff is always so reliable. It's the telephone game and bashing the competition seems to be how they roll.
@eyes Check this out. https://www.icmag.com/ic/showpost.php?p=7456563&postcount=1202

Seems that talk of theft and rebranding was only gossip. TheDocta backed away from Sierraskunks claim against ISP and now says he doesn't know the whole story. Then attacks their skunk, in a let's change the subject move, based on what he heard. ;) Yes, that what he's heard stuff is always so reliable. It's the telephone game and bashing the competition seems to be how they roll.

Well, I went forward with a few packs of chem d. To finally get her in the stable after this many years is great. Either way, yeah, its hard to follow all the talk and rumors. I guess i just looked at peoples' pictures that grew the stuff and made my decision from there. I was promised a seed of chem dd way back in the day by a member but he never followed through. Seems to be typical.
I was always told by a guy I used to work with that it was hard to find people like him- now I understand what he meant-money and reliability wise.
BOG created SourDubb but he can't really remember what Sour D he used to make it. Was a time he said it was Rezdog Sour D line then said it was Soma NYCD line. Nobody really knows but it is a make up of Sour Bubble and some Sour Diesel

Thats cool. Yeah, i didnt think I was too far off. Must be good cause hammerhead likes it alot. I know he grows alot of stuff out as well.


^^^ nice pic that shows the Chem 91 dominance in ISP's Chem 91 strains. He said this one has about two weeks before it until finish.

he had chem #4 to start i think...it was dang good

as far as i see its chem d for the last few years..[don't quote me on that]

but i tried both and this one i have sure is chemd

this was 1/3 of the plant with two weeks to goView attachment 3697136

Not calling myself a chemologist, but that looks like the Chem 4 to me, and that's all I've ever seen on Dr G's website the past few years.
Chem 91 and Chem #4 are very similar to the point that #4 is called the reunion pheno because it closely resembles the '91 cut .

The Chem 4 is known to be a bigger yielder than the 91. I don't have too much personal experience with either, but my research leads me to believe they're not that similar. I think the D is closer to the 4 than the 91 is. The 91 doesn't grow such huge colas.
The Chem 4 is known to be a bigger yielder than the 91. I don't have too much personal experience with either, but my research leads me to believe they're not that similar. I think the D is closer to the 4 than the 91 is. The 91 doesn't grow such huge colas.
Could be....I'm just going by what Chemdog said about them .