Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
Gorilla this, gorilla that. Let's not forget the real issue here. Stupid fucking humans thinking it's okay to cage and parade these animals around for profit under the guise of "conservation" is fucking sick. I know I sound like a tree sucking hippie right now but the last time I visited a zoo I left bummed out and said I'd never go back.
Check out the Ashboro zoo in n.c. almost all the enclosures are free range areas that are fenced or walled off. The wildlife have many acres to roam around. It's a really nice zoo.


Staff member
Gorilla this, gorilla that. Let's not forget the real issue here. Stupid fucking humans thinking it's okay to cage and parade these animals around for profit under the guise of "conservation" is fucking sick. I know I sound like a tree sucking hippie right now but the last time I visited a zoo I left bummed out and said I'd never go back.
thats what i said uptop.

we should not be "housing" these animals

my child will never go to a zoo or a seaworld. never.


Staff member
Sounds good in theory, i dont think animals should be locked up either but at the same time, ive been able to see animals i wouldve never seen in my lifetime because of zoos and seaworld and stuff ans im thankful for that. so i dunno. I just think its too late now. Any animal released at this point would just die anyway. Damage is done already. Real talk tho, a lil girl around the corner from me was just murdered by her moms bf. I could giva f less about that gorilla.
youre absolutely right once all the ones in zoos die from natural causes or more likely the depression and bullshit they go through via zoos and seaworld we can stop housing them in zoos and seaworld :)


Well-Known Member
Check out the Ashboro zoo in n.c. almost all the enclosures are free range areas that are fenced or walled off. The wildlife have many acres to roam around. It's a really nice zoo.
Still. Are they allowed to hunt each other? Many acres is still not the same in my opinion. There's nothing natural or right about a zoo I don't care how big the enclosure is. A cage is a cage.