White people, particularly men:


Well-Known Member
Man that sounds like such a hard life. So how did it make you feel growing up when you could hear your mom in her room with a black guy?
You know that's what immature people like you do is make childish comments. I bet you probably went to college too didn't ya?


Well-Known Member
That you're a poor oppressed white guy.

See thread title.
Let me tell you something boy and I do mean boy.my family has been in this country before it was a nation and some of my ancestors helped to shape this nation and helped to make it the most powerful country in the world. To this day my family name is recognized and respected throughout the corporate world and the m.ic.. Fuckups like you just enjoy the benefits of what real men like me and my ancestors fought for. Fucking cowards like you are too afraid to defend the rights you take for granted.


Well-Known Member
I'm satisfied to have gotten under your skin, but the self delusion is comical. It's like a tasty little bonus morsel of white guy tears that I will savor but allow other posters to shit on you. Fuck your ancestors.

Have you considered suicide?
You don't get under my skin, I just like putting dumbass as like yourself in your place. By the way at least I know who my ancestors are. You probably don't know your real last name lol

Have a nice day


Well-Known Member
You don't get under my skin, I just like putting dumbass as like yourself in your place. By the way at least I know who my ancestors are. You probably don't know your real last name lol

Have a nice day
You seem like you're trying to convince yourself of something. Insecure much? It must be a result of all that rampant oppression you regularly face as a white guy...

Cause if it's not that it must be that you're just dumb. Those ancestors would be so proud.


Well-Known Member
You seem like you're trying to convince yourself of something. Insecure much? It must be a result of all that rampant oppression you regularly face as a white guy...

Cause if it's not that it must be that you're just dumb. Those ancestors would be so proud.
That means you just got trolled by a dumb guy... BRAVO!!


Well-Known Member
Oh come on AC! I've told you before to stop teasing the rednecks, I know it's tempting because they are typically idiots and their responses are so cute when they get teased. :lol:
