Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
Online shopping is awesome... Drunk shopping is great!

But blackout online shopping is hands down the best.

Some parts just showed up that I was thinking soberly to myself yesterday I should really replace those at some point.. Full exhaust system, and black headlights just appeared at my house

Thank you inebriated self, sober me is going to eat a big burger to drink on later you're welcome


Well-Known Member
you know what couldve prevented the gorilla from being shot?
not having animals who belong in the fucking wild captive for human fucking entertainment.

stop supporting zoos

child shouldve never been able to get into the damn gorilla pen in the first place
mother shouldve been more attentive to her child
I guess I'm reevaluating my position on zoos.

I sure hope aviaries aren't included though...watching the birds fly around is always cool. I was shit on by a green macaw once...It wasn't life threatening to either myself or the macaw...


Well-Known Member
There was a couple zoos up here that had the animals so trained you could pet all them, tigers, lions, and bears. The owners took great care of the animals and treated them like pets. Government came in and took them all and shut them down.


Well-Known Member
you know what couldve prevented the gorilla from being shot?
not having animals who belong in the fucking wild captive for human fucking entertainment.

stop supporting zoos

child shouldve never been able to get into the damn gorilla pen in the first place
mother shouldve been more attentive to her child
It does suck seeing animals stuck in little cages like some zoo's do. One good thing about some zoo's is they are the only place to find some species of animals that have been eradicated in they're natural environments and the only safe place for them is in a zoo.