Hello Everyone!


Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIU, and the wonderful world of cultivating the world's most misunderstood and feared medicines!!!

The only 'advice' I can give you or anyone is to read and learn and then apply what you have read and learned to your garden and you cannot fail. Anyways, remember the search tool is your friend...Lots of folks here willing to help a new farmer get up and growing. But at the end of the day your grow will be only as good as the knowledge and work you put into it.

It is always great to ask questions but do not take anyone's advice or opinions and follow blindly. And remember anyone may have a well-known member status…but that means they have posted and responded to many threads and does not always mean well-educated growerz. Do your own research, you will be much happier knowing you have done it for yourself and by yourself. The first buzz you get from your own budz...is by far the BEST high you will ever have!

Do a search using your current question as the keyword(s) and ZOOOM!! Like Wonka's Great Glass Elevator…off you go to tons of threads answering all your questions. Read all the Newbie Central stickies and learn…

Soaking up all that information and sifting through it, is going to take time. You will likely finish your first grow by then. Viola! grow complete and education well under way.

Hey everyone, I'm new here. I just got my seeds and purchased this from Amazon (https://www.amazon.com/Cannabis-Grow-Bible-Definitive-Recreational/dp/1931160589/). Any posts/books/videos you guys would recommend for a 3rd time grower?
HMMM...there is more information about cannabis-- cultivation, usage, history of, future of, legalization, taxation, business ventures, politics, medicinal values etcetera....to keep you busy until the end of history as we know it.

You have a computer so I am guessing you have google? Keyword: cannabis. If you read and see everything there is to be read or seen...you will possess more knowledge of cannabis cultivation then any human being has. Unfortunately you will be way to old to do your own gardening. So, better to read and learn as you go....

Again Welcome to RIU...Glad to have ya!
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Well-Known Member
I don't like knocking any books, as we all have stuff to learn, but if you can grow vegi's and flowers, without killing them in 6 months, you might just be able to grow weed... try an orchid, if it lives a year, you can handle the cannabis... I am to blame for over thinking it myself, but in the end, growing is pretty easy, getting larger yields is time, patience and practice...


Well-Known Member
I just like hearing that you bought seeds, then books, so many posts about I bought this auto and this huge tent and light and co2 and hydroproton bucket with irrigated such and such.....do I really need a ph pen? Lol glad to see someone flip the script for a change:clap:


Well-Known Member
I don't like knocking any books, as we all have stuff to learn, but if you can grow vegi's and flowers, without killing them in 6 months, you might just be able to grow weed... try an orchid, if it lives a year, you can handle the cannabis... I am to blame for over thinking it myself, but in the end, growing is pretty easy, getting larger yields is time, patience and practice...
6 months is a while haha. Weed is easy as fuck to grow. Don't know why people get so worried about it. Hell I put off doing hydro to grow organic. Now I wonder why the fuck I didn't do this 20 years ago and its so easy.

Here's some plants 4.5 weeks into veg under a 400w mh first and then a 600w mh now.



Well-Known Member
6 months is a while haha. Weed is easy as fuck to grow. Don't know why people get so worried about it. Hell I put off doing hydro to grow organic. Now I wonder why the fuck I didn't do this 20 years ago and its so easy.

Here's some plants 4.5 weeks into veg under a 400w mh first and then a 600w mh now.
Uh maybe because they invested thousands of dollars jnto equipment materials and real estate to get the job done.

That's my excuse anyway. Nice plants dude