White people, particularly men:


Well-Known Member

You are completely full of shit. There are a bunch of vets on this site who regularly post in politics. Some I get along with, some I don't. You made a big mistake claiming to be a service connected medical. You won't live this down you fucking poser, piece of shit skinhead.
Meet me in person motherfucker. I'm not stupid enough to post my discharge papers on a website. If you have any doubts about my service to my country just give me the opportunity to show them to you in person. By the way, which unit did you serve in?


Well-Known Member
Meet me in person motherfucker. I'm not stupid enough to post my discharge papers on a website. If you have any doubts about my service to my country just give me the opportunity to show them to you in person. By the way, which unit did you serve in?
I was in A co, 2nd of the 504th and I deployed to Afghanistan in 2002-2003 and Iraq in 2003-2004.

When you're telling the truth it only takes seconds to fucking answer.

Don't bite off more than you can chew poser.


Well-Known Member
Since one of my relatives served in both Iraq and Afghanistan about the same time I'll ask him about your so- called deployments. I'll ask you one more time to meet me anywhere east of the Mississippi so we can compare our records. You're a military man so I'm sure you are brave enough to confront just one man


Well-Known Member
At least I was man enough to serve my country, not like a leftwing pussy like you. Punks like you are too scared to pick up a gun and fight for what they believe in. And yes a medical discharge is the same as an honorable discharge when you are injured in combat, so go fuck yourself you punk ass cowrd
Join the army, travel the world, meet interesting people and kill them.freetheshit.jpg


Well-Known Member
Some would say? Dude do you really believe this stuff you're saying or are you just flaming? Not all white people have money and it's really more socio-economic than racial.. Do you think a rich black person somehow feels the poor white person is keeping the good things in life? Not all white people have money to buy the good tangible things you speak of. Are you saying they are unable to live a good life? Some black people have more money than they can spend in a lifetime.. Yet will still get followed at the store, or unable to get buzzed into a jewelry store after dark

This is 2016 champ.. .. not 1916.. 1816.. Racism is just as prevalent but it is no longer simply a race thing.. The rich (and therefore powerful) are keeping all other people down.. Regardless of race player..

Only color that matters is green.
I like how you think.


Well-Known Member
Since one of my relatives served in both Iraq and Afghanistan about the same time I'll ask him about your so- called deployments. I'll ask you one more time to meet me anywhere east of the Mississippi so we can compare our records. You're a military man so I'm sure you are brave enough to confront just one man
Shut the fuck up. I caught you red handed. There is no fucking way you were in combat in the US Navy and if you were you'd be wearing it on your hat and everyone would know your unit. It's called esprit de core I don't give a fuck what political beliefs you have, you would not be on a forum like this saying the shit you say, trying to call out someone based on service, then unwilling to even tell your unit.

You bring your flimsy ass to me if you want to prove something, I'll be glad to kick it for stolen valor.

Don't worry, other vets will get up in the morning and see this.


Well-Known Member
You sorry motherfucker I put my time in like my ancestors before me and my descendants will do the same. Don't ever question my service to my country you piece of white trash motherfucker.
Shut the fuck up you lying piece of shit. I do question your "service to your country". Stolen valor is a crime now.


Well-Known Member
I'm in Bohol, Philippines. If you're so tough, bring yourself on over and you can leave the fake dd214 with your skinhead buddies.
If I was a skinhead I would say it. I will say this about my service though I wore the trident so if we ever do meet your ass better be prepared.


Well-Known Member
Kinda reminds me of this guy, but at least he did some of what he said.

And he didn't go around on pot forums with neonazi political views.


Well-Known Member
Good for you. It's good to have an opinion. Just don't make up stories about fake military service.
he wasn't he really is what he says and you should show more respect, I know why you set this up and its a lot of fun watching u melt down in front of a true warrior