2015-Revealed :4000°K+660nm ! ...(?)


Well-Known Member
and the MCcree curve itself, sits well above 4000K with a CRI above 90 - near full spectrum
That's true but the 4000K/90 CRI comes partly from the level response from 420-550. This brings up the question of whether the curve should be replicated or weighted.


Well-Known Member
That's true but the 4000K/90 CRI comes partly from the level response from 420-550. This brings up the question of whether the curve should be replicated or weighted.
weighted, against what?

"comes partly from the level response from 420-550"
if you see a light source with a MCcree spectrum you would see a reddisch ligh, as this spectrum does not sit on or near the black body locus


Well-Known Member
Yes because the blue light helps a lot for synthesizing chlorophyl. Many growers who use mh and hps could have told you that. It does not justify using 4000k with red xpe. It at most justifies using high red white cobs with blue xpe when needed. No need to build a veg light and patch its flaws in a crude and ineffective manner.
You are so far out of your element it's not even funny. Wait, no. I lied, it's hilarious.

Among the many proven benefits of blue light studied for different species, you "forgot" to mention it's influence on stomatal development and conductance, photosynthesis rates, carbon fixation, and oh yeah, flower development.

Or just chlorophyll synthesis and photoinhibition, like your brand of bro science claims.

Blue light is in a way very efficient... in causing photoinhibition and making the blue light even less efficient for photosynthesis, and the red relatively more efficient. As has been tested and proven with many varieties.
The amount of blue light in a 4000K cob, at any CRI, will not cause photoinhibition without a correspondingly high ppfd. More importantly you have absolutely no evidence that any specific percentage of blue light in broad spectrum lighting is ideal for cannabis yield or quality.

The only farce here is that you recommend a "3000K 90CRI" Cree without realizing that with it's 16%+ relative blue spectrum, you are matching or surpassing the 3500K 80 CRI cobs you love to mock. Maybe you should pay more attention to what is being said around you, instead of eyeballing SPD charts and spouting ignorant nonsense. You give terrible LED advice, even by your own standards.


Well-Known Member
Finally, I would like to ask for your opinion and assessment on the use of high CRi .. I'm out of it somehow confused .. how ever not to reach conformity on it ..
.. However in the table PPF still have a very interesting offer higher CRi90 therefore mainly 4000K for growth .. I think 3500k 90CRi might not be a bad choice at all in combination with 3500k 80CRi .. peak at 630 nm and a high proportion of 600-680nm including FR
.. thanks



Well-Known Member
The amount of blue light in a 4000K cob, at any CRI, will not cause photoinhibition without a correspondingly high ppfd. [...]

The only farce here is that you recommend a "3000K 90CRI" Cree without realizing that with it's 16%+ relative blue spectrum, you are matching or surpassing the 3500K 80 CRI cobs you love to mock. Maybe you should pay more attention to what is being said around you, instead of eyeballing SPD charts and spouting ignorant nonsense. You give terrible LED advice, even by your own standards.
Strawman^^ I never said it was all about the level of blue... I never said blue was useless, I never said blue was only for synthesizing chlorophyll.... All your lack of reading comprehension and lack of intellectual honesty, a phrase you of all people dared to use lmao... biggest pretengineering fraud this forum has seen so far.

Among the many proven benefits of blue light studied for different species, you "forgot" to mention it's influence on stomatal development and conductance, photosynthesis rates, carbon fixation, and oh yeah, flower development.
For someone who "does not give a fuck about plants" that post may make sensen but it is in fact just over the top dumb when you go on to say:

More importantly you have absolutely no evidence that any specific percentage of blue light in broad spectrum lighting is ideal for cannabis yield or quality.
So, you don't use high red because blue has proven effect for many species, but all the proof and science about red you conveniently dismiss because for red cannabis is a magical and needs something else than plant species... And for blue the many what you call "benefits" (lol) are proven.

Hypcrite and just dumb, and would outside this shitehole exclude you from any discussion as you are clearly not capably of having one without talking out of your ass.

The amount of blue light in a 4000K cob, at any CRI, will not cause photoinhibition without a correspondingly high ppfd.
Red herring + strawman...

You are so far out of your element it's not even funny.
Since you are so good at projecting your own flaws you can at least imagine how ludicrous you are to me. Big words, big mouth, but nothing whatsoever to back it up. Look in the mirror fool.

Simple people like you are so predictable...
Every bit of possible advantage of blue will now be cherrypicked over every well known advantage of red.
All so you can pretend to be a grow led expert at riu rather than grow the highest quantity quality bud. What a fucking joke, as your entire butthurt nonsense reply so clearly proves again.

Stick to what you know kid, shilling those low quality philips knock offs :lol:


Well-Known Member
I have some really unfortunate news for you @Sativied. In addition to the seemingly endless number of words you use without understanding, I'm afraid we are going to have to add "butthurt" to the list. I imagine that this is an unwelcome surprise, given your well-known fondness for butts that hurt, but I find it's best to be honest with friends, even when that honesty is painful.

For further clarification on sore asses, please bend over and consult your nearest mirror.


Well-Known Member
I am philosophically opposed to the ignore button. Also, that would be way less fun.
It depends on your purpose here, I suppose. I'm one of those crazy people trying to get something done, leaving me little time to suffer fools.

That said, enjoy! Lord knows there's no shortage of them here. If you're having trouble finding some, might I suggest any of @Padawanbater2 's threads. He's a master at drawing them out of the woodwork...


Well-Known Member
Bloated half ass intellectual. Call the straw man to cover your pimpled ass.

Hit us with the dialectic you big smart man!
@testiclees what was going on in your head when you decided Straw Man would be a good troll sock name, and testiclees for "advertiser"? :rolleyes:

I doubt you will ever get the 'reason' for straw man attacks but let me point out how well that name fits you.

"The so-called typical "attacking a straw man" argument creates the illusion of having completely refuted or defeated an opponent's proposition by covertly replacing it with a different proposition (i.e. "stand up a straw man") and then to refute or defeat that false argument ("knock down a straw man") instead of the original proposition.

This technique has been used throughout history in polemical debate, particularly in arguments about highly charged emotional issues where a fiery, entertaining "battle" and the defeat of an "enemy" may be more valued than critical thinking or understanding both sides of the issue."

You guys ARE the front runners of Idiocracy.

P.S. testiclees, you stocked the wrong cobs.

Lord knows there's no shortage of them.
Well if anyone knows what the Lord knows it's you right :D Ironic how you bash religion yet are such a fanatic fresh convert. Horrible and absurd grows and constructions but unlike many other self-proclaimed led experts you at least actually grow bud. For someone who ignores me you sure seem to have a lot of interest in me. Is it not exhausting to suck up to so many people?

I am philosophically opposed to the ignore button. Also, that would be way less fun.
Ah shit.... common ground with a delusional pretengineer :lol: :clap: You can fool yourself and the led clique all you want, they are quite easily fooled, it's never going to change reality or make you a less transparent fraud for me and everyone else who cares more about plants than efficient bay lights. See the part about straw man above and get a clue. Good luck trying to increase yield and efficiency with those "benefits" from blue light :wall: