Mr nice guy, g-13


Well-Known Member
I want to know is this worth paying 330.00 us or 140 euro for this strain? (10 seeds) anyone smoke the 2007 ccw??? Is this for real???


Well-Known Member
I was just checking out the site for them there is something that don't seam rite there seam to be very expensive. I would look around at some diffrent sites like alttitdue seams to be alot cheaper. Unless you hav the money to burn try them but good luck let use know how it comes out for you


Well-Known Member
well alotta people say that g-13 is extinct so u really don't kno what ur gonna get i just say if u have the money 2 burn go 4 it otherwize go to an established seed bank then get an established strain


Well-Known Member
well alotta people say that g-13 is extinct so u really don't kno what ur gonna get i just say if u have the money 2 burn go 4 it otherwize go to an established seed bank then get an established strain
g-13xhaze was the 2007 cannabis winner so I know it's out there. g-13 is no longer available except in clone form. The more posts the more we will find out.


Well-Known Member
well you can have a clone and cross it with somthing else and have seeds. I can buy seeds, they have them at seed banks couple diffrent kinds. most r crossed with a g-13xhaze male with somthing else. just wondering if it's worth it.


Well-Known Member
i also started a thread on g13 hb. i think i'm gonna gofor it. attitude has them for 186.00. get a couple of pacs . this blue moonshine was dripping with thc , but they qit doing seeds on it.:cuss:this is definately a hashplant


Well-Known Member
well alotta people say that g-13 is extinct so u really don't kno what ur gonna get i just say if u have the money 2 burn go 4 it otherwize go to an established seed bank then get an established strain
G-13 is not extinct when it was first smuggled out of Mississippi it was from a clone. G-13 has been crossed with many male phenotypes. So, over the years the pure genetics have been affected. Now if you want a g-13 strain which I do ( and I stress not even close to the original still pretty damn stoney as hell) you would have to backcross it to get rid of the other male characterisitics.


Well-Known Member
how the hell do you back cross it? I can't grow a plant and I want to back cross a plant lol. In theory I would love to know. Any buddy smoke this stuff?


Well-Known Member
hash plant is my fav. strain. thats all i usually this pic here. blue moonshine.
definately counchlok material.


Well-Known Member
i figure for that high ass price , they do the work for you. i have growed numerous times and every strain lived up to its name. i can't even find my ass rite now.. o' there it is on the


Well-Known Member
i'll just have to take thier word on it. i pay high prices for the seeds for them to do all the baktraking and stuff


Well-Known Member
sounds great. i'll start with 20 seeds. maybe get 10 or more females. attitude seeds has it for near half the price of the same com. ilive in west tex. all there is here is mexican squag. if i dont have my own shit, i just dont smoke,. hell if you by an oz. you have to buy a bottle of excedrin migrain pills allso. because you have to smoke so much it cuts off oxygen to the brain.