The late Mrs. Fishy


New Member
maybe she needs to go to rehab so that way she can see all the people in there that are way worse then her and have lost everything and she will realize that she does not want that to happen to her and decides to take it easy on the pills.
i went to rehab when i was 18 cuz i was addicted to opiates and wellbutrin and i realized that it just wasnt worth taking all those pills especially they screw up your stomach and intestines and liver and whatever other organs in your body.
maybe she is also afraid of "kicking opiates" cuz that could be some serious hell right there as well.
MR FISHY, i hope everything works out for you and your wife.
theres plenty of us that have been through this or had a loved one go through this so we are here to support you :bigjoint::peace:


Well-Known Member
i saw this episode of Intervention, this lady was like a zombie too. all she did was sit in her garage and pop her pills ALL DAY. it had a HUGE affect on her kids... eventually she agreed that the only thing that would help was rehab. i think she got better after the rehab.


Well-Known Member
Well, this "can't give blood" happened to coincide with my latest excellent harvest, so there's PLENTY of smoke here for us to share. I steered her to a hash tutorial here on RIU and she jumped right in, making and smoking the resulting goods . . . for about a week. It was GREAT to have her back.

She has always been unable to control herself w/pills. Legitimate medical concerns dictate she take some pain meds, as well as Lyrica, for fibromyalgia. Unfortunately, in her case, this becomes 10 Norco, 2? X blue xanax, methadone, and who knows what else, per day. She's a fickin' ZOMBIE 99% of the time. I mean, from 6 feet away, I have to call her 4-5 times to even penetrate her coma.
It's ridiculous. In my youth, I'd simply move on, but she's been the glue that has held us together this quarter century and probably kept me from being homeless**. Then there's the matter of love.
(You know what you call a musician w/o a girlfriend?)**
I'm a lifetime musician.
The 2 weeks? she was back on the ganja were GREAT! I can't say it did anything to help her with pain, but it made all the difference in the world in her being present when I spoke . . . and it was wonderful seeing her "goofy" again, instead of useless and dead.

I know what's it's like to not feel like smoking a bowl while addicted to pills, but have never regretted doing so, and have always felt so much better afterwards.

Maybe if ya'll post some thoughts and she reads them, she'll relent. She's gonna have to do something 'cuz this zombie shit sucks . . . AND IT'S GETTING WORSE.

Mrs. Fishy, I know how difficult it is, the life of a fibro. I have a good friend, a wonderful lady she is, single mom. She's got fibro and some other problems. I worked for her, for about a year, in her home, and I learned what that does to a person. I also learned what SROMs and the other pills do to a person. You have to make sure you make your doctor's appointments because if you run out, OH MY GOD. Am I right? She had a little problem with addiction, and began mixing those pills, whose efficacy drops as resistance develops (you're a nurse, you know all this) with alcohol. First, mostly beer, a little bit of vodka.

I saw the beers, but I don't count beers, I didn't know she was taking what she was taking.

But I saw the effects.

You are SO LUCKY your husband is dedicated to you and is able to live with you and support you through all of this. You'll be even more lucky if he tolerates not having you with him, but instead on those pills, after he's been able to have you back.

My friend ended up in rehab, St. Helena's, for over a month. I did my best to hold her home and business together while she got off those damned pills. She's doing much better now, and she's on medical mj! She's got her daughter, who'll be 13 soon, so she won't grow or smoke it at home. She's not pain-free. But, she said the effects of the medical mj on her fibro make life livable. It doesn't constipate her or give her diarrhea. She can sleep and eat normally (and has begun eating probiotically and working out more, too, and has lost a lot of weight). She is "THERE", she's with us! She is in THIS world, not out of her mind.

I am 44 years old, and don't speak to these things most of the time. But, you're lucky as your husband makes a plea. Many might just say, Fuck it, I'm outta here. But I don't think he's that kind of man.


Well-Known Member
I may have not been clear enough regarding this. I take pills. Just have never been the addictive type. The only med addiction I've ever experienced is/was methadone, which is so weird. After taking just a little dose recreationally for just a few weeks, you feel nothing . . . but don't take it and you can't move, or get anything done, nor get warm and it never seems to stop, and I'm talkin' months, in my case. Just the thought of running out is terrifying, and we even don't have a script. Just a maintainance dose. 8-9 years. Once, in the morning. I've done all the real drugs and nothing has ever effected me so. I don't know what I'm gonna do when the guy I get them free from monthly dies. Of course, free doesn't include the price of my soul . . . nor the fact that opiods make it near impossible to enjoy a n y t h i n g.
Anyway, I'm not really worried about this part. A lot of people do pills and I don't regard my one norco, twice a day, one 10mg methadone and a half an orange xanax an hour before bed as being all that strung. I'm bettin' their are others with much more intake . . . which brings me back to Pearl.
I don't care if she wants to do pills . . . I just want her on the same level as I am.
We (Me n' Pearl) are what we are and, when she's not a zombie, it's a livable mid-life.
But let there be no mistake about it, I am a strange man . . . most would advise mental health. No one's been thru my gate, except daughter/husband/dog in 8 years and I'm surrounded. I did start walking the dogs a few years back, but before that hadn't left the property a dozen times in 5-6 years.

Anyway, ALL that's another story. Maybe I am being selfish? I just want her to get a grip so she can play with me. After all. Once that door is shut and nighttime falls, all we have is each other . . . and if one of two isn't here?
I'm crazy, but I don't talk to myself, if you see what I'm saying?
Some can keep 30 Lor-Tabs for 15 daze, some only 3.
It'd be great if she could 10.

I'm sorry if I wasn't clear (it seems not). Best advice I can give is stick to the illegal organic drugs. That said,
Where's the great coke at in the U.S.?
What I'd give for one more, couple day binge before my heart explodes!
Yes, I know . . . this is a marijuana growing forum. Just kidding.

To anyone who may feel misled, I'm may be wise, but am certainly not that smart.


Well-Known Member
By the way, pills ruin any semblance of life. Smoking pot allows me to be alright with my piece-of-shit life. I'm finally past the years of suicidal depression, so why look back?
I'm from that generation that don't use doctors, unless you're gonna die or maybe need stitches. Just this second is the first time I've realized that, had i found the right shrink, I easily would've qualified for MJM here in Montana.
After all, I'm here on RIU and back growing, more serious than ever before about that.
So let's see, that's 6 for MaMa's fibro and six for my insanity.


Well-Known Member
Mr/ Mrs Fishy I don't think people here are making moral judgments about the pills. I think it's more a matter of the fact that people can relate either personally or through family, and many of us have the experience that the pills slowly take your life away. Some would even say your soul. So that's probably why everyone seems to be saying, get off the pills.

It's a quality of life issue. We've been there on both sides of addiction and hate to see anyone suffering on either side.


Well-Known Member
I think you've simply reiterated what I stated, which was that when you're on the pills it's a problem if you run out. This is not such a problem with weed. Nor are the intestinal issues.


Well-Known Member
I think you've simply reiterated what I stated, which was that when you're on the pills it's a problem if you run out. This is not such a problem with weed. Nor are the intestinal issues.
Yes, and that some folks are so worried that they are going to run out that it makes them eat them up all the faster.

I don't have this prob. I think 50% probably do.


Well-Known Member
Pills are scary.
I've never done opiates before, but I used to have a problem with phentermine. It made me so good at everything, it made me so perfect. But at the same time, it made it impossible to enjoy the things I achieved on it. It also turned me into a raging bitch, to a point where I would lose my temper with family members. The stuff I did while I was taking phens still embarrasses me, but I eventually stopped taking them. (When I moved from the house.)

Now I live with parents that don't believe in prescriptions. And being the poor student that I am, I couldn't afford them on my own. So stopping was kind of required. The come down was hard. Really, really hard, especially since I was hyper-aggresive from the stuff still in my system. Poor dad was confused as hell. With me alternating between throwing temper tantrums and bawling my eyes out.

But now I'm normal again, back on an even keel. It's amazing, while I was on the Phens, I thought there was no way I could live without them. But now that I'm off of them, I know how horrible they were for me.

Have you tried telling Mrs.Fish exactly how you feel, and how you see her when she's on the pills? Maybe whilest under the influence, she doesn't realize how absent she is. I know that I thought it was everyone else driving me crazy till I moved out. Perhaps a heart-to-heart is in order?


Well-Known Member
D: . . . Have you tried telling Mrs.Fish exactly how you feel, and how you see her when she's on the pills? Maybe whilest under the influence, she doesn't realize how absent she is. I know that I thought it was everyone else driving me crazy till I moved out. Perhaps a heart-to-heart is in order?
Sure have, though I haven't seen her not on any pills in quite some time. Like I said . . . she needs? to take a couple before she even wakes up. She can't possibly judge her own level of being under some influence, or I certainly wouldn't be able to.
I choose not to fight, but I bug her almost daily. Actually, there is no fighting here. I'm too stoned and she's a zombie!

I'm really, truly happy for you, and anyone else, who escapes.


Well-Known Member
Sure have, though I haven't seen her not on any pills in quite some time. Like I said . . . she needs? to take a couple before she even wakes up. She can't possibly judge her own level of being under some influence, or I certainly wouldn't be able to.
I choose not to fight, but I bug her almost daily. Actually, there is no fighting here. I'm too stoned and she's a zombie!
Well, at least it's not a stressful environment for her. She's lucky to have someone who genuinely cares for her and knows what she's going through.

I suppose you guys should do what you can to be happy till one of you figures out what the next step should be. How many sober hours so you suppose she has in a day? Where she can think clearly and interact well?


Well-Known Member
Knowing her like I have grown to, she must keep it together pretty good at work?
I mean, the promos aren't rare . . . the "failure to register" info and having to get angry and loud and incessant to get her least attention is fairly regular whenever she's here, either lounging or doing anything else, like a TV commercial seen 10,000,000 times has and will be used as the reason she didn't hear me ask her four times not to put that mite infested dandelion she found up in my plant room, for the tenth time. Just an example, which may be extreme.


New Member
Mr Fishy, I'm sorry things aren't going well for you and the Mrs. Maybe she is unable to see for herself the changes the pills bring on. Do you have old video tapes of times before the pills? Maybe seeing those might help her realize that there is a real problem.

Mrs. Fishy, I think Mr Fishy is truly your knight in shining armor. It sounds to me like he has nothing but love for you. I know it'll be hard, but maybe you could try to cut back gradually on doses? I think Mr Fishy needs you just as much as you need him.

I wish you guys well.


Well-Known Member
Okay everyone, It's me Mrs. Fishy. I read every single one of your posts and they are all very encouraging and like some of you said very thoughtful for another human being that you don't know. First and foremost is I am prescribed all these bullshit pills, and I agree they need to go but at what cost. The pain is soooo freaking intolerable that you don't even know. I have a huge anxiety disorder, ( I'm gonna die) thing and nothing anyone says is going to help that. So I know the next thing is go with God, but I can't get past it. I used to smoke on a daily, hell hourly basis. It went all wrong because I'm way too paranoid, so once I smoke Bam. Did I do my work o.k.? Did I pay that bill? It's not fun at all any more. If I had all the money in the world I guess maybe it would be better, but I just plain and simple get paranoid. Now as for Mr. Fishy he is wonderful, but man the guy just drones on and on and on. Look how many posts he has and he's only been on here a week. Just kidding. I watch intervention and if someone would make sure I had a job and paid for it I would detox off the methadone because that shit get's ya by the perverbial ball sack. Yes it did change my mental receptors you are all right on that. Anyone with any knowledge of methadone knows it gets ya a good one. Mr. Fishy wouldn't have any pills at all if I didn't give them to him. I feel bad for that. My Mom is a pill head, My Grandma was a pill head, and yes My daughter is a pill head. I feel worse for that then anything I've ever done. My job intails me to be "on" I have to be friendly and actually I'm the boss of a whole crew who cannot think of anything for themselves so I talk all fucking day. So when I get home yes poor Mr Fishy get's the I want to relax me. I so appreciate all your input and please don't stop. I need help I know it, and after 25 years I ain't letting my husband and best friend in the whole world go. I guess his post his his plea. He is right we aren't normal by anyones standard. But we do have each other and if he didn't care he wouldn't post it. Thank you for all your words of incouragemnet I am reading them. Peace and LOVE to you all for trying to help me. Remember I will need a medical detox at this point. All the pills going is not an option but I would love to get rid of the bullshit methadone.

Plus he rolls weird joints, to wit:


Well-Known Member
and yes My daughter is a pill head. I feel worse for that then anything I've ever done.
It sounds like you are in a really tough situation. But this ^ should help you when you are struggling. Imagine that you are no longer taking pills- imagine your daughter doing the same with you as an example. You have the most powerful and important motivation of all. It's not just for you, it's for the people you love most in the world.


Well-Known Member
Does your wife like sweets? Make some butter(cannabutter that is) and start baking everything you can! Get her into it to! I think, if done properly(just the right amoun of herb), your wife will stay pleasantly high, maybe even be high to the point that she forgets about her meds all together(which is good for you and possible bad for her? hope not).

So baked:bigjoint: goods are always...good.

Does your wife still take pills when she smokes? Maybe if you grew a strain known for high potency her aches and pains would go away.


Well-Known Member
First, I need to thank everyone for their input. I was expecting Pearl to be pissed that I'd sought advice on this, but she read the replies and actually stayed coherent the entire evening . . . which begs the question "does she simply ignore" certain noise? I suspect it's possible.

Re:ingestion. Not a bad suggestion, though every time I've eaten cannibis products, I've become a zombie! (based on long, long ago, like 70'?) It could be worth a go.
Yes, I realize we'd need to tune in the dosage.

The harvest is already one-hit to me/us, even tho harvested as smoky as possible with as few amber as possible. I suppose I could look into same power, different effect?
I believe this strain to be WRhino?


New Member
First, I need to thank everyone for their input. I was expecting Pearl to be pissed that I'd sought advice on this, but she read the replies and actually stayed coherent the entire evening . . . which begs the question "does she simply ignore" certain noise? I suspect it's possible.


Maybe it's just the "married couple problem". My husbands brain produces a chemical that blocks out my voice, unless he hears the word sex, then no problem.


Well-Known Member
Ya know, I'd like to think it's that simple . . . unfortunately the 4 or 5 remarks I might utter thru-out the evening are lost in the 40-50 "Pearl? Pearl? Yo' Pearl, etc."

Opiod users/addicts generally don't care about sex. It's just too hard to care about such human things. We (Pearl and I) do agree that sex is mostly a younger persons thing and had more than enough in the 80's-90's . . . at least that's how we cope with the total lack of interest brought on by pill abuse.