Is the World Flat? The Flatlander's theory..

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this thread has nothing to do with 911.. this is about flat earth. stay on topic buckaroo.. also the people want to know, are you a dude or a chick, and do you have nice boobs

I'm a dude. In a way it does because round earth and 911 are the biggest lies ever. If people accepted the truth things would change for the better.
If yet gonna state that its a giant light bulb being moved across the sky you have to explain the source of its motion dude. What's the theory then?

Well, my theory is the flat plane is enclosed in a dome. The dome is made of nickle. Because that is what lot's of the meteorites are made of. It could be suspended by electromagnetism and pulled around by electromagnetism. Some things are beyond my comprehension. The moons light has a cooling effect, I would love to have a mini moon in my grow cab haha.
Here is one for you guys. How come shooting stars always fall down from the heavens and don't ever go whizzing by on an upward angle? If we are a ball suspended in space they should go whizzing by at all angles.
Hi Cannabineer,

sorry if I missed your hypothesis can you put a link to it. I'll be happy to review it and anyone else who wants to. Thanks.

I stated it frequently and to you. You have the option of sorting through my replies to you.

So, now we will see ... do you care to? The level of your sincerity is measured by what you do, not what you say.

(Key word: triangles!)

Think of them as flat pyramids.
Well, my theory is the flat plane is enclosed in a dome. The dome is made of nickle. Because that is what lot's of the meteorites are made of. It could be suspended by electromagnetism and pulled around by electromagnetism. Some things are beyond my comprehension. The moons light has a cooling effect, I would love to have a mini moon in my grow cab haha.

Thank you for the signature, it's my first one ever.

Can I get an autograph? I want to remember this for all of eternity.
@cannabineer I admit my cock grabbing joke was distasteful but I already apologized for it. For you to continue acting out this way just shows your level of maturity. You should just let it go and quit harboring this hatred towards me.
Your capacity to ignore the offered hypotheses, wait a coupla hours or days, then whine "nobody is answering the meeeee!" stands in stark contrast to your tactic of ignoring previous answers and pretending nobody has answered you.

AKA gas-lighting. A popular tactic of anti-vaxxers and other untenable positions. These are the sorts of things people reach for when they can't reach for the facts.

sorry if I missed your hypothesis can you put a link to it. I'll be happy to review it and anyone else who wants to. Thanks.

This is similar to and often used in tandem with another tactic known as the intellectual shell game. That's when you have to guess which "argument" the denier is currently using, and it's never the one you pick.
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@cannabineer I admit my cock grabbing joke was distasteful but I already apologized for it. For you to continue acting out this way just shows your level of maturity. You should just let it go and quit harboring this hatred towards me.

You did not apologize to the person you actually offended. You owe Annie the public apology; not me.

You also did not account for your "NASA is deception in Jew language" declaration of anti-Semitic thought and sentiment.

The red herring about my alleged maturity exposes this false apology as an attempt to recruit the gullible.
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