Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Virtually Unknown Member
I was vacuuming my car at the 24 hour car wash and a cop parks behind me and runs my plates, I was annoyed. So I walk to the back of my car and this is the conversation we had .

me- what's the problem?
Cop- I'm just checking things out.
Cop- you washing the car huh?
Me - yup.
Cop- it's kinda late to be washing a car.
Me - is washing a car at 11:45 illegal?
Cop- no, you need to relax.
Me- you should go do your job.
Cop- this is my job.
Me - don't you have more important things to do instead of messing with someone at a 24 hour car wash?
Cop- yes, ummm it's not 24 hours.
Me- what time does it close?
Cop- I don't know.
Me- is it possible that it's open 24 hours?
Cop- no
Me- ok
Cop- I stopped because you might be trying to break into or steal something.
Me- since we're just making shit up, you might be selling drugs out of your cop car.
Me -your job is to protect and serve nobody hired you to prevent crime..your not a fucking superhero.

I turned around and kept washing my car..He drove off, my girlfriend said he looked sad. He was no older then 26 pussy ass racist white boy .
he was checking out dat whip


Gary Goodson

Well-Known Member
got my money back.. her dad is a really good guy. i didnt even wake up yet and i he came to my house. guess she told him, he tried to give me $8000, i told him i only wanted what was missing so i gave him back the difference and thats that
That's what's up and you're a good man too. Other fucks would've kept the money and justified it by saying they deserve it because she stole from them.

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
got my money back.. her dad is a really good guy. i didnt even wake up yet and he came to my house. guess she told him, he tried to give me $8000, i told him i only wanted what was missing so i gave him back the difference and thats that
that's epic. you are incredibly fortunate that it got expedited so well, thank your lucky stars in this instance. now go blow that dough at the casino w @Aeroknow :cool:


Well-Known Member
that's epic. you are incredibly fortunate that it got expedited so well, thank your lucky stars in this instance. now go blow that dough at the casino w @Aeroknow :cool:
lol no casino's for me.. i wouldnt mind a poker room though. but the money really wasnt even the problem, it was the act. nothing really to do but go get the rest of my shit i left in florida and completely cut ties.. think ill have a friend down there get all my stuff and ill just meet up with him whenever i can get down. dont even want to see her.


Well-Known Member
So last night was pretty good. I got drunk ate food at the persons house. Made a few bucks and then called a cab. Went to grab a roti brought riti home ate it while getting drunk.

O then k holed out and lost my phone tjll just now.

Now I was invited drinking with a few people but I have vodka here and really I want to be alone with the pill friends blasting while I clean