. . . because I do sneakily bait people - often.
That's very similar to what pablo got on my ass about, but I wouldn't give him the satisfaction of fully explaining myself. In THAT instance, I baited danksta after he mentioned that he "knew a 'Jewish Priest'" lol (not a rabbi), that "would perform weddings for free". Then I made my joke! playing off his-words, Why? Because I had rebuked danksta about a year earlier about him making a blanket derogatory statement about Jews. That's the whole context which pablo was oblivious about. And then the arguing ensued to great lengths. I knew he didn't care one way or the other if I was racist or not, he doesn't care if anyone else is. If I believed he did genuinely believe that, I would have answered him in detail, He simply was doing his best to troll me with his ego imho for coming after him a little.
Hope that clears things up.