Brown spots on leaves


Well-Known Member
Hey Azinix. It could be a phosphorus deficiency but It does look very localizes. Would you say it is more the bottom to middle of the plant or top? Or all over?
Tell us what medium you are growing in and what ph your feed is if you are using a nutrient solution. If you are using nutrients what kind and how much?


Well-Known Member
whole plant pic along with your medium, environmental factors, growing style, and nutrients will get you better answers.


Hey Azinix. It could be a phosphorus deficiency but It does look very localizes. Would you say it is more the bottom to middle of the plant or top? Or all over?
Tell us what medium you are growing in and what ph your feed is if you are using a nutrient solution. If you are using nutrients what kind and how much?
Its more at the top that the leaves are brown.
I use 'DCM Kwaliteits - Potgrond Terrau' and 'DCM vloeibare meststof voor kamerplanten' are my nutrients, I use the recommended dosis which is 5 ML per Liter water, I usually use 2 liters for watering both plants twice a week, once with nutrients and once without.
How do I check the PH?


Basically its average soil, I asked for a good mix that can breathe in the store.
As for the nutrients, I bought nutrients for normal room plants, couldn't find anything better.
Maybe if I order from a site but I wouldn't know what and from what site :P
I'm from Belgium btw.

Angel Eyes

Well-Known Member
Hi, I'm a newbye grower, so I won't even try to give u advices on your plants, BUT ...
on this website you can find almost anything you need to grow indoor, happy growing and good luck with your plants :)


Well-Known Member
Basically its average soil, I asked for a good mix that can breathe in the store.
As for the nutrients, I bought nutrients for normal room plants, couldn't find anything better.
Maybe if I order from a site but I wouldn't know what and from what site :P
I'm from Belgium btw.
Haha I just linked this to somebody else thinking it was them who was in Belgium....doh

Here is a link for a hydro store in Belgium for future grows

I checked and they sell soils, coco, hydro and nutrients for any system


Well-Known Member
How do I check the PH?[/QUOTE]

You need either a PH meter or a PH kit, the later is the cheapest option. You need to know the ph of the nutrient solution you are feeding them and test the ph of the run off after to know the ph of your soil. It may well say the ph on the bag it came in!


Okay thanks guys that helps alot!!
For the PH kit, can I buy it on that site aswell? Or where do I get this?


Haha I just linked this to somebody else thinking it was them who was in Belgium....doh

Here is a link for a hydro store in Belgium for future grows

I checked and they sell soils, coco, hydro and nutrients for any system
What soil would you recommend me getting from that site? I don't know much about soil.
Also what nutrients would you recommend me getting ? Or don't nutrients matter that much? I just have nutrients for room plants atm. Not specialized for weed.

Angel Eyes

Well-Known Member
I am using the gold label special mix and so far it's ok.
Be aware, everyone told me that soil is too rich for seedlings. there are too many nutrients in it, you might kill your small fragile newly born, so if you have seedling on your hands you need the gold label special mix light.
both soil are in stock on the website coreywebster suggested.
also, for nutrients, gold label offer a full package of them, but that's already out of my paygrade, as I sayd I'm a newbye, better ask an experienced grower.
have a nice day :)