Donald Trump

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but only because they are cowards with tiny penises.
They are open about it.
Last year we attended a funeral for a friend who died. I saw an old friend of mine. He was in Nam and he was apprehensive about my wife. I explained to him 1 don't be a racist Buzz and she aint Vietnamese anyway
Thanks for putting me on slow poke buck,.... jerk. When you go for that button, you`re Trumping me. Like Hillary, you just can`t fend for yourself.
Well Nitro is prolly still convinced Obama was born in Kenya. We know better though. That`s the only reason Nitro would pick on that.

To Trump a man born in Indiana of parents from Mexico is "Mexican", not American. Same logic applies for Obama. Sure he was born in Hawaii, although that inconvenient fact is disputed by Trump. But it doesn't matter. Obama's ancestors, or at least some of them, were born in Africa, Obama's skin is darker than Trump's, thus Obama = African. Oh, and their behavior will quite naturally, be biased against those born of parents elsewhere. As Trump would say, this is obvious.

By extension, then, judges should only be allowed to work cases that match "who they are". We can see a new and segregated society arise under Trump.

See how easy that was? Racism is easy.
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What is going to happen when Trump does get elected ,, and all the people in here totally against Trump . What are you going to do then lol
What is going to happen when Trump does get elected ,, and all the people in here totally against Trump . What are you going to do then lol

one space between words is sufficient. there is no need for multiple commas either.

if you were an american you would know how to speak our predominant language.
What is going to happen when Trump does get elected ,, and all the people in here totally against Trump . What are you going to do then lol

Hey slip, I could take a guess. And say that they will forever be mentally effected for the rest of their lives to the point of no return for some and the liberal media will be worthless and down graded to a junk status. Two birds with one stone. imo TRUMP!
Ahh. It's all making sense now. Flaming Pile quotes stuff from racists because she is a racist herself, because that's who she identifies with. Which is why she gets along with nitro so well.

Thanks for the research CR.
Or that is what google came up with.

You guys try too hard. Keep dancing.
Dont check the citations just look to undermine the source.

Sounds like a hillary supporter.

Its a vast right wing conspiracy!
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