Random Jabber Jibber thread

Awhile back I went to work sick as fuck with food poisoning or some kind of quick fucked bug. I'm so dehydrated and just puking and dry heaving everywhere that I decide to walk down into the customers woods as to not make a scene with my wretchedness. Suddenly as I entered the thicket I came across a family of beavers just staring at me. We stood there for a good minute calmly looking at each other. They then slowly scampered away and I started puking again and I then finished the job and called the rest of the day off sick. But after some years reflecting on this I've come to the conclusion that I was just really fucked up and had hallucinations of beavers in the woods. Lol. Jibber Jabber.
Maybe they were hyperdimintional beavers. :)
It rained out and now my driveway is covered in a slick of caterpillar shit and pollen. It's like an inch deep in some spots. How the hell do those little bastards shit so much?
ugh i hate not being in my neck of the woods

im not even far from home.
id give $50 fpr a fuckin reggie blunt right now