Hs Jibber Jabber Thread

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you're a idiot


fuck im tired.
So what's H like? Closest thing I've had was a Delaudin shot in the hospital when I had 2nd degree burn on my eye.

Makes you feel like you have a tobacco high rush, warm and fuzzy, generally melow.

Imagine feeling drunk in the body like you had three warm liquor shots, but also feel a weed high.

I can see how people around me got addicted
Makes you feel like you have a tobacco high rush, warm and fuzzy, generally melow.

Imagine feeling drunk in the body like you had three warm liquor shots, but also feel a weed high.

I can see how people around me got addicted
My thing was always uppers. I had a problem with crystal for a long time did alot of coke in high school.
i can tell i'd like that way too much

It takes a toll on ones health unlike ive felt from other come downs

I remember like, third time doing it, i smoked plenty of hits, still preffered Tina though, and happily passed when they offered me more turns of their stuff

Next morning went to work sober but felt groggy and meh, which felt unusual alone itself but the way it makes your body ache, very unique and noticeable that it can make most people irritated which causes a come down quicker and harder
your better off doing herion then crystal at least herion don't destroy your brain
Not really sure your views truly are but from experience

Heroin, crack cocaine and alcohol are the worst when it comes to abuse.

Like cigarettes, some users of smackypoo end up with a stunted DNA body while another user barely has any body harm.
Its really up to the user to do dope or let dope do them and you only hear and see those who got too dopped up

Lots of people dope up and youd never expect. I was a fool before i gained the ability to recognize and react to other "tweekerz"

Time for undercoverfbi's bed time. Put the grown up in me to sleep and let the monkey come out till I gotta get ready for work tomorrow morning.

If heroin is like morphine and it bet it would be... After that description warm tobacco rush, like you took a few shots and some weed and can stand strong no problem but its hard to tell how far the floor is
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