White people, particularly men:


Well-Known Member
Doxxing, you win at it. :clap:
It's spelled doxing and I never gave a fuck about you enough to find any of your personal details outside of this website. You're really not as big of a deal as you think you are, but you should probably be paranoid since you ratted some people out from what I heard.
My home continent has been flooded with terrorists because of "white guilt". Europe's too white? Is Japan too Japanese? India too Indian? They were bloodthirsty imperialists for thousands of years, why no "refugees" for Japan, eh? White people are discriminated against every day, with claims that "we have no culture" made by third-world peasants that throw acid in little girls' faces for being raped by their own family. Being called a racist for existing, being called privileged for being intelligent and working hard.

Here's a weird one for you: White people are over represented in a particular field: Racist
Jewish People are 40% of the Oscars attendees despite being 2% of the population: "they value hard work and education" #OscarsSoWhite

White people are used as a punching bag because we're made of tougher stuff than other races. We don't settle arguments with machetes and we are being taken advantage of for our hospitality. You are welcome for us ending slavery worldwide (with the exception of bonded labor that still exists today, only in brown countries where girls are married off at age 6). Now get mad, white people make the world a better place. If you want a war, we'd be happy to win it.

Here's some more Ali for you:



Well-Known Member
It's spelled doxing and I never gave a fuck about you enough to find any of your personal details outside of this website. You're really not as big of a deal as you think you are, but you should probably be paranoid since you ratted some people out from what I heard.

You ignorant fuck.

gerund or present participle: doxxing
  1. search for and publish private or identifying information about (a particular individual) on the Internet, typically with malicious intent.
    "hackers and online vigilantes routinely dox both public and private figures"


Well-Known Member
Lol, ignorant fuck is butthurt because he misspelled a slang word that comes from an abbreviated word. I never enough fux about you to "docs" you. That's where it comes from, which you would know if you had any clue about the origin of the word instead of having just looked it up on wiki.

You're so trolled and butthurt about your meltdown that you still follow me around from thread to thread, desperate to score points. It's like midnight on the west coast isn't it? Don't you have better shit to do than desperately follow me around the forum in the middle of the night?

You should probably be paranoid though since so many people are going around saying you're some kind of snitch.


Well-Known Member
Lol, ignorant fuck is butthurt because he misspelled a slang word that comes from an abbreviated word. I never enough fux about you to "docs" you. That's where it comes from, which you would know if you had any clue about the origin of the word instead of having just looked it up on wiki.

You're so trolled and butthurt about your meltdown that you still follow me around from thread to thread, desperate to score points. It's like midnight on the west coast isn't it? Don't you have better shit to do than desperately follow me around the forum in the middle of the night?

You should probably be paranoid though since so many people are going around saying you're some kind of snitch.

Ah, your wittle feelings are all melting.

4 years of people like you calling me a snitch and it hasn't phased me.

It's "doxxing". Sorry you aren't man enough to admit it. But then again, you're scared of everything else as well. The more you post the more of a bitch you become. I bet your Mom beat you as a child.


Well-Known Member

You're so easy to rile, I am willing to bet I can keep you fixated on this until I log off and back to it again next time I log on.

The irony of you thinking you're doing the trolling...

It's midnight, what better things do I have to do?

You got that picture yet?

I await your next reply.