White people, particularly men:

My home continent has been flooded with terrorists because of "white guilt". Europe's too white? Is Japan too Japanese? India too Indian? They were bloodthirsty imperialists for thousands of years, why no "refugees" for Japan, eh? White people are discriminated against every day, with claims that "we have no culture" made by third-world peasants that throw acid in little girls' faces for being raped by their own family. Being called a racist for existing, being called privileged for being intelligent and working hard.

Here's a weird one for you: White people are over represented in a particular field: Racist
Jewish People are 40% of the Oscars attendees despite being 2% of the population: "they value hard work and education" #OscarsSoWhite

White people are used as a punching bag because we're made of tougher stuff than other races. We don't settle arguments with machetes and we are being taken advantage of for our hospitality. You are welcome for us ending slavery worldwide (with the exception of bonded labor that still exists today, only in brown countries where girls are married off at age 6). Now get mad, white people make the world a better place. If you want a war, we'd be happy to win it.

Here's some more Ali for you:

Yep, seen that video. Here is Muhammed Ali with his mulatto grandson, whose father is an Ashkenazi Jew. Apparently Leopards can change their spots, just like Malcolm X recanted on his feelings towards whites after he visited Mecca and "drank from the same cups as white muslims." ali10.jpg
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My home continent has been flooded with terrorists because of "white guilt". Europe's too white? Is Japan too Japanese? India too Indian? They were bloodthirsty imperialists for thousands of years, why no "refugees" for Japan, eh? White people are discriminated against every day, with claims that "we have no culture" made by third-world peasants that throw acid in little girls' faces for being raped by their own family. Being called a racist for existing, being called privileged for being intelligent and working hard.

Here's a weird one for you: White people are over represented in a particular field: Racist
Jewish People are 40% of the Oscars attendees despite being 2% of the population: "they value hard work and education" #OscarsSoWhite

White people are used as a punching bag because we're made of tougher stuff than other races. We don't settle arguments with machetes and we are being taken advantage of for our hospitality. You are welcome for us ending slavery worldwide (with the exception of bonded labor that still exists today, only in brown countries where girls are married off at age 6). Now get mad, white people make the world a better place. If you want a war, we'd be happy to win it.

Here's some more Ali for you:

Just wanted to add that Europeans have every right to choose their immigration policies just like Japan, India or China does. If they don't want them then they don't have to take them. I think Austria has made their intentions very clear. Everyone has the right to feel safe in their own country. Unfortunately Armenian Christians were slaughtered via genocide by the Ottoman Empire in Turkey. Wanna know who harbored many of said Christians? If you guessed Syria, you're correct. And no, I don't have the best answer for what's going on in Europe right now, and I'm not sure how I feel about security vs humanitarianism. There are smarter people than me that get elected into office who are paid to figure these things out. God be with them. Me, I'm just trying to figure out how best to keep my plants looking like sexy bitches. PS: one more time, if you're worried about terrorists, I don't blame you. That is their agenda. They terrorize.
Just wanted to add that Europeans have every right to choose their immigration policies just like Japan, India or China does. If they don't want them then they don't have to take them. I think Austria has made their intentions very clear. Everyone has the right to feel safe in their own country. Unfortunately Armenian Christians were slaughtered via genocide by the Ottoman Empire in Turkey. Wanna know who harbored many of said Christians? If you guessed Syria, you're correct. And no, I don't have the best answer for what's going on in Europe right now, and I'm not sure how I feel about security vs humanitarianism. There are smarter people than me that get elected into office who are paid to figure these things out. God be with them. Me, I'm just trying to figure out how best to keep my plants looking like sexy bitches. PS: one more time, if you're worried about terrorists, I don't blame you. That is their agenda. They terrorize.

Okay so who elected the heads of the European Union that are the ones mandating this insane immigration policy? The only sensible thing to do would be to establish safe-zones in the area that is being affected. What the EU is trying to do, is establish themselves as the permanent dictators of the European continent by waging economic and demographic warfare against the European citizenry. They are importing the third-world, because the third world will become dependent on the largess of massive government bureaucracy. They will then vote to expand that barrel of pork, thus securing the positions and seven figure salaries for these self-appointed mandarins. It's all very simple. You think Assad is a brutal dictator? No one seemed to think so for the first ten years of his presidency. The US, EU, Saudi, and Israeli governments are not governments. They are international crime syndicates pretending to be governments. Where did ISIS get all those brand new identical white Toyotas? Well look at what Obama's non-lethal aide consists of. We are sponsoring terrorism, importing terrorism, and killing countless innocent people so that the government can feel secure in it's monopoly. We are under siege, the people you think are working for you are only working to feather their own nest. There is no humanitarian reason to bring migrants thousands of miles from their homes when we could just as easily drop the "Assad must go" routine and stop meddling.

That's how they control discourse: they tell you the situation is far more complex than it really is. There isn't some great clarion call for liberal white Europe to permit mass rapes and acts of barbarism. It's just politicians that are more concerned with staying relevant than keeping incompatible cultures outside of their boarders. Every policy of the EU has failed miserably, they have no refuge but audacity at this point. The real terrorists are the empty suits that are telling Britain it will catalyze WWIII if they democratically move away from an extra-judicial unelected cabal of former Goldman Sachs employees. Much the same with America and its Trump vs. Goldman Sachs election.
Okay so who elected the heads of the European Union that are the ones mandating this insane immigration policy? The only sensible thing to do would be to establish safe-zones in the area that is being affected. What the EU is trying to do, is establish themselves as the permanent dictators of the European continent by waging economic and demographic warfare against the European citizenry. They are importing the third-world, because the third world will become dependent on the largess of massive government bureaucracy. They will then vote to expand that barrel of pork, thus securing the positions and seven figure salaries for these self-appointed mandarins. It's all very simple. You think Assad is a brutal dictator? No one seemed to think so for the first ten years of his presidency. The US, EU, Saudi, and Israeli governments are not governments. They are international crime syndicates pretending to be governments. Where did ISIS get all those brand new identical white Toyotas? Well look at what Obama's non-lethal aide consists of. We are sponsoring terrorism, importing terrorism, and killing countless innocent people so that the government can feel secure in it's monopoly. We are under siege, the people you think are working for you are only working to feather their own nest. There is no humanitarian reason to bring migrants thousands of miles from their homes when we could just as easily drop the "Assad must go" routine and stop meddling.

That's how they control discourse: they tell you the situation is far more complex than it really is. There isn't some great clarion call for liberal white Europe to permit mass rapes and acts of barbarism. It's just politicians that are more concerned with staying relevant than keeping incompatible cultures outside of their boarders. Every policy of the EU has failed miserably, they have no refuge but audacity at this point. The real terrorists are the empty suits that are telling Britain it will catalyze WWIII if they democratically move away from an extra-judicial unelected cabal of former Goldman Sachs employees. Much the same with America and its Trump vs. Goldman Sachs election.
Try not to shoot up your high school during your freshman year.
Okay so who elected the heads of the European Union that are the ones mandating this insane immigration policy? The only sensible thing to do would be to establish safe-zones in the area that is being affected. What the EU is trying to do, is establish themselves as the permanent dictators of the European continent by waging economic and demographic warfare against the European citizenry. They are importing the third-world, because the third world will become dependent on the largess of massive government bureaucracy. They will then vote to expand that barrel of pork, thus securing the positions and seven figure salaries for these self-appointed mandarins. It's all very simple. You think Assad is a brutal dictator? No one seemed to think so for the first ten years of his presidency. The US, EU, Saudi, and Israeli governments are not governments. They are international crime syndicates pretending to be governments. Where did ISIS get all those brand new identical white Toyotas? Well look at what Obama's non-lethal aide consists of. We are sponsoring terrorism, importing terrorism, and killing countless innocent people so that the government can feel secure in it's monopoly. We are under siege, the people you think are working for you are only working to feather their own nest. There is no humanitarian reason to bring migrants thousands of miles from their homes when we could just as easily drop the "Assad must go" routine and stop meddling.

That's how they control discourse: they tell you the situation is far more complex than it really is. There isn't some great clarion call for liberal white Europe to permit mass rapes and acts of barbarism. It's just politicians that are more concerned with staying relevant than keeping incompatible cultures outside of their boarders. Every policy of the EU has failed miserably, they have no refuge but audacity at this point. The real terrorists are the empty suits that are telling Britain it will catalyze WWIII if they democratically move away from an extra-judicial unelected cabal of former Goldman Sachs employees. Much the same with America and its Trump vs. Goldman Sachs election.
I'm a political nihilist anyways. Bored with that conversation. Hey, why don't you like Mohamed Ali? That guy was an amazing boxer, one of the best ever (I think Sugar Ray was the GOAT), and he was so much more than a boxer. Do you watch any martial sports, like MMA or boxing?
Ok, if you are told "you can bid on these jobs, but you will not receive any because of the color of your skin and/or gender" would you consider that discrimination and/or oppression?
Please tell us of the oppression you have faced as a white guy in this special thread made just for white guys to vent about the discrimination and oppression they face.
Nevermind disregard what I said. Here's the definition:
Reverse racism is a phenomenon in which discrimination, sometimes officially sanctioned, against a dominant or formerly dominant racial or other group representative of the majority in a particular society takes place, for a variety of reasons, often initially as an attempt at redressing past wrongs.
Nevermind disregard what I said. Here's the definition:
Reverse racism is a phenomenon in which discrimination, sometimes officially sanctioned, against a dominant or formerly dominant racial or other group representative of the majority in a particular society takes place, for a variety of reasons, often initially as an attempt at redressing past wrongs.
So you're saying that white guys are oppressed?