Working on it again Active Close Loop System


Well-Known Member
hello all u processers of weed

i know rso...... i know iso..... i know open blast... i know passive closed loop system......i know tinctures.....i know ejuice .......i need to learn active close loop system

so on that note i need videos of active close loop system
the one from best valve vac is helpful but does not end all the other ?s

from what i got is i can make it waterwall of tane going over the weed run for aslong as i want ........the part i need is how to capture back in tank .......or even better method of keeping the tane in loop but allowing me to change the packed collum material

any help would be great.........i got 3 or 4 weeks to learn this before i have to do it maybe less time

yes i lived ..........the 25 lbs of tane did not make me or anyone blow up (i was super anal about no smoking area during working i sat in the sun smoking my joints 20 years away)
no one videos no info nothing

really .....i give a week more after that i will have to go with what i find ..........just keep a eye on the news from oregon if u hear about someone blowing themself up it was me