Clone only strains

Man where are you guys at that indoor is only making you $1800. I'm in ca where the market is crowded as fuck and I still get 26-2800 min for ins and 28-35 on strains like Real gsc, ogs, tk, etc.

You guys are getting hit with outdoor pieces lol. Haven't heard of good weed being cheaper than here anywhere either(co is working on it but more bunk seems to be floating Around in the fully legalized settings like wa and co)

I'd be pissed if someone came at me with 18 on my indoor, but no ones ever tried to lowball me like that. 24 is the lowest I've had someone ask me to drop to and that was on nug I was asking 28 and the actual idea was that he would pick up 5 at 24 vs 1 for 28.

That dispensary ended up paying 26 per on 5. I haven't seen it that drastic out here, but if the scene goes that way I'll laugh. It'll probably shrink the market flooding and get a lot of the bandwagon guys just trying to make money off growing weed like every other idiot that doesn't want to put in work at a real job. Doesn't bother me much at all lol. As long as when I donate my donations aren't questioned and I don't have anyone low balling me like 1800 on a pound of tk. As real tk goes for over 3k still and will sell out of the dispensaries at like 8-9k on the p broken down into grams and eighths. That some horrendously greedy shit.

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IAM in ky and buy indoor white rino for 22 but I take it all at one time soon as its
so for LA prices you might be right but go north to SF and up and outs go for 12 and you can easily find good ins for 16 to 2. You also gotta realize how big the population is in ca compared to any other medical or rec state. When I lived in Sonoma county I would go to La from time to time to work the clubs and honestly they won't by any product whether its good or bad for a low price. Everything there sells for a high price even if it's garbage. It's part of the big city life style everything is exspensiv

LA prices and nor cal prices are way different. You can find nice ins from16 to 2 and outs for 12. From San Fran to Humbolt.
I have bought lots from humbold county for 800.00 a unit outdoor good as it gets there for outdoor.thats why I can not figer out how other people gets moor for there outdoor weed there and its been that way for a long time 1 unit or how many you wount at a time dileverd to ky for that price.I always thought that the marked was just flooded there and that was the reason it was cheep there befor


Fire OG
landrace IRANIAN

Man this IRANIAN looks bomb! What's she smell like/taste if you've tried her before?