Which legal state would you visit?


Active Member
I'm considering taking a week long vacation to a legal state towards the end of the year. Which legal state would be your choice for a "pot vacation"? I think all I'm going to want to do is get baked and kind of wander around and be a general tourist.


Well-Known Member
I've been an outlaw all my life...
why change now?
love to see legalization...if I do, I do...If I don't, I don't...

either way I'm not changing one fucking thing... I have been thinking of a winter place in the Cali desert though, couple I've known forever got a doublewide there so I like Cali best...been there once. Damn nice...


Active Member
Fwiw, I live in a small town in the foot hills of the Appalachia's and I'm far from well traveled so any of the legal states will be a drastic change of scenery. I'm was wanting to see both the local sights and gather some insight on what is going on in the legal cannabis industry.