Doc's Dank Seeds

I've never watered with piss, but I have pissed around my grows just to keep some wildlife from coming around. It seemed to work for me for the deterent, but I am interested in hearing more about watering with it, u guys are really doing this? Guess I'll google it and see what comes up, but please enlighten me if u could. Dr. your plants look great, as usual. I may try to get a strain or 3 off of you one of these days. Best of luck on your bussiness venture!
I've never watered with piss, but I have pissed around my grows just to keep some wildlife from coming around. It seemed to work for me for the deterent, but I am interested in hearing more about watering with it, u guys are really doing this? Guess I'll google it and see what comes up, but please enlighten me if u could. Dr. your plants look great, as usual. I may try to get a strain or 3 off of you one of these days. Best of luck on your bussiness venture!
Thanks @green217 and i dont any more but have and it is like a 5-0-0 fert i would guess. I bet you have fed pee just wasnt thinking about it. If you go to a feed store and buy 30-0-0 it is pure urea or urine from stock yards. A lot of your salt based Nitrogen in fertilizer comes from urea and A. Nitrate is used for true agriculture because of the bomb making shit is my guess. We could only sale it in bulk to farmers. Of course i bet that is not true everywhere or every brand.