EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

Bernie Sanders vows to work with Hillary Clinton as Democrats move toward party unity
"Emerging from the White House after a meeting with Obama that lasted more than an hour, Sanders warned that a Trump presidency would be a "disaster" and that he would "work as hard as I can to make sure that Donald Trump does not become president of the United States."
"I look forward to meeting with (Clinton) in the near future to see how we can work together to defeat Donald Trump and to create a government which represents all of us and not just the 1%," Sanders told reporters."

I honestly think they are still just waiting for an FBI arrest which would remove Hillary from the race, and leave Bernie to take over. I do not think Obama likes HIllary much, but he has to support her if she has the delegates and is not in jail.
I honestly think they are still just waiting for an FBI arrest
Gonna be quite a wait, since there ain't a snowball's chance in hell that's gonna happen. The only people who think it's even a remote possibility also believe in the annunaki and the flat earth and all kinds of that stupid shit gullible dullards eat up like candy and vomit back at the internet like it's factual.
Intolerant people everywhere of all walks of life.

I wrote in ron paul. Didn't feel bad that romney lost either.
Ron Paul was the only one I voted for in the primary last time. I just didn't like Obama or Romney. Not sure what I'll do now Johnson all the way if he has a chance but I'll vote for Trump just to try keeping Hitlary out of office.
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Two reasons. First, the crybaby "Bernie or nobody" crowd is currently tilting the polls, but most of them will come around once they get the last of the sand out of their dark crevices. Second, and much more importantly, because no one outside of the far left even knew who the fuck Bernie was before this election cycle, so he's never been under any real scrutiny. Clinton has been in the republican cross hairs for much much longer, so people have been conditioned by their rhetoric to have a knee-jerk negative response to her. If Bernie had won the primary, the republicans would have all started attacking him instead of Hillary, all the moderate voters who lean slightly right would realize how much about him they disagree with or even hate, and his poll numbers would drop like a stone. Americans hate socialists even more than they hate atheists (http://www.gallup.com/poll/183713/socialist-presidential-candidates-least-appealing.aspx) and the republicans would have very little difficulty casting him as both.

Here, this explains it perfectly.

Mr Sanders has been around for 30 years and his message has remained remarkably consistent throughout that time. The idea that he's an unknown is laughable- and an example of the kind of media bias the sanders campaign has been fighting the entire time.

Next, Mr Sanders is a CENTRIST. The left wing corner he's constantly painted into is another example of media bias.

Finally, Mrs Clinton has secured the nomination with the assistance of corporate America OVERRIDING THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE. So his campaign has made it very clear that America is not a democracy; a development that should trouble every American.
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i would jump on hilary's boat if she put bernie as her VP. i think a lot would, though what real change would come from this? VP has like no real power or maybe I'm wrong
i would jump on hilary's boat if she put bernie as her VP. i think a lot would, though what real change would come from this? VP has like no real power or maybe I'm wrong

I would too, I'd vote for her if she gave Bernie a bigger platform and a foot in the door.. Hell ..even spending time with him would rub off on her...she would NEVER even considerate it though.
No but it shows DNC that we won't stand for their hijinx again, and that there is a true collective grassroots movement looking to stop money in politics, so they can start working for 'we the people' again.

Nothing will happen in this country UNTIL this happens. Nothing.

Let that sink in.

Damn straight. Mrs Clinton's millions in campaign contributions ARE THE PROBLEM. She won't be working for us in the White House, she'll be working for those who paid their bribes to her campaign. I give no fucks if it has a different legal label; it's corporate bribery leading to fascism.
i would jump on hilary's boat if she put bernie as her VP. i think a lot would, though what real change would come from this? VP has like no real power or maybe I'm wrong

You're right about the veep being a figurehead position, and for that reason Mr Sanders won't take it. He's far more influential in the Senate.