The official Hillary Clinton will be our next president thread

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still did not address the latest email drop on ABC buck.

what is wrong ? the truth hurts ???? i understand buck, its a very tuff pill gulping down, maybe break it up then swallow ...
So Buckey is a racist for not supporting a person of color in this race? I mean, if one is racist for opposing a person of color on content of their actions... where is up?
also, how the hell does YouTube get the jump on the Secretary of State of the United States of America, let alone the President of the USA...


We lost an Ambassador and some upper tier top echelon warriors because of YouTube.

she will never live that down

Fucking YouTube...

I can see her first blunder, or disaster... quick to blame some scapegoat banking on American idiocy and complacency.
people people people .....

its a slam dunk for trump, all the bernie supporters are gonna vote for TRUMP !!!! not this corrupt bitch. the young kids want change ... trump wins by 15-20% easy. hillary, bush, obama, rubio, cruz are part of the " machine ", they understand this.
That's what we need... more people that follow idiots into war and later ask to be put into higher positions of power because their decisions were mistakes.

Was YouTube a mistake?



also, how the hell does YouTube get the jump on the Secretary of State of the United States of America, let alone the President of the USA...


We lost an Ambassador and some upper tier top echelon warriors because of YouTube.

duh u know how she got it ..........the election in 2008
her and barry had a meeting in somone's house for 3 hours .....1 week later she pulled out of the race and all her support swung his way

and she was named the 4th person in charge
duh u know how she got it ..........the election in 2004
her and barry had a meeting in somone's house for 3 hours .....1 week later she pulled out of the race and all her support swung his way

and she was named the 4th person in charge

cool remembering of history.
Buck why not try to construct a sentence of substance rather than rebuttal with diatribe childish nonsense?

You find Benghazi as not a big deal... no worries eh

Vote on Iraq, mistake, no worries...


Buckey is chirping crickets when you bring up YouTube.

Your candidate tried blaming her mistakes on YouTube!!!!

She lost an American Ambassador. How many can claim that?
^^^^^^^^ because buck is 21 in his mommy's basement living off .gov. he also has an inferiority complex about his own skin color. he's the racist blaming others ....

keep avoiding the racist in middle east and emails buck. once you address this, then talk about betting something .... stop running from the truth buck.
Buck why not try to construct a sentence of substance rather than rebuttal with diatribe childish nonsense?

You find Benghazi as not a big deal... no worries eh

Vote on Iraq, mistake, no worries...


Buckey is chirping crickets when you bring up YouTube.

Your candidate tried blaming her mistakes on YouTube!!!!

She lost an American Ambassador. How many can claim that?

the death of the guy is big

her big thing was her home server ..........she was not on a protected network with top secret stuff .....becuase she thought she was above the law

when she was busted for it she released her mails ......did not give them the hard drives gave them paper copies to slow it down .......and still 23 docs top secret or above that she turned in

the women is a traitor .......she did high treason while in office (she broke federal laws) but she is not getting charged like u or i would as she is a a Clinton

that ends the talk right there ..........she committed treason because she thought she was above the rules
the fact she would not turn in the hard drives is even worst

if they were turned in the techs could of compled all the info with in weeks and checked to see if was accessed from outside (hacked ) ...........but she knew she fucked up and had them destoried printed out copies of the mails and everything to slow down the whole thing

and she admitted it was not all the emails she took out the personal ones ........and still 23 breaks in the rules so far just on the paper copies
sounds like you should be lead prosecutor. where's your law degree from again?
spending half my life dealing with the court system because i had small amounts of weed on me
the law is pretty simple do not do this or u get punished .......she knows this but thought she is her so it does not apply ( and so far she is right they are not bring 1 charge on her after all this time) .....if they charged her...... her election chances are gone....she is looking at class A felony in federal court

cool remembering of history.
if u do not learn from history doomed to repeat it
spending half my life dealing with the court system because i had small amounts of weed on me
the law is pretty simple do not do this or u get punished .......she knows this but thought she is her so it does not apply ( and so far she is right they are not bring 1 charge on her after all this time) .....if they charged her...... her election chances are gone....she is looking at class A felony in federal court

if u do not learn from history doomed to repeat it

delete your account.
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