
a place to place my journey through growing :)

Using soils from around the land/potting soils from bag.
pot diameters are 23" and 35"

species: sativa, indica and auto ruderalis -autos im not picky at the moment, i guess i am stick finding my feet.

whats in the garden:

Two indica strangers, given to me by a friend, popped 17/18 of april

Barneys Farms

1x kookies kush - popped 28/03

1 x Red cherry berry; given to me 8/04 under emergency by freind, battered and brused from the journey only few days out of the soil and it had been beaten up, repotted that day. poor guy :)

Repotted both of these again in to the big pots - 30/04

4 auos:

grizzly purple auto popped 8/4

speed seeds:

anmesia popped 29/4
blue berry: popped 30/4

advance seeds

blue diesel popped 1/5

im using a mix of cfl 125 blue and red (plants love colour) and out door light sources the none auto i hope to one mother later down the way stay tuned for that saga and soon maybe tomorrow if time for bids - pics :) .

But for now enjoy winters garden: on side.WP_20160320_16_23_41_Pro.jpg

four ladies. NN
blue diesel
WP_20160511_07_00_52_Pro.jpg Kookies kush
two strangers, one on the left male one (got to go and be replaced) one the right unsexed as of yet.

WP_20160511_07_00_36_Pro.jpg red cherry, anmesia auto and grizzly purple auto (bottom to top of pic)
The two strangers are showing gender - both male. Now having to think of a replacment for them and i decided too pop skunk #1 from white label.
preflower for one of the males, really strong indica plants, stout, strong short fast growth (it has been potted in some unclean/heavy soils), shame i do not have time to see this male all the way through with a female.
This weekend has been a trim and prep op for some of the plants.

Grizzly auto has been rolled ( i've wrapped her main stem to spiral around a poll) i doubt she will be able to support herself during flowing process (which has started), so its time to strap her up for it.

cookies and red are kicking off with tight growth, with temps rising they are too.

Note: all my tight growth is due to atmosphere conditions that the plants are in, this will change once world temps rise for the summer. weather conditions here at the moment are inconsistant for consistant growth :). plus i'm super happy with stout robust plants and not lanky stretched types.
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So... had some bad luck through the week - my skunk #1 was eaten by a slug that hitched a ride on a tomatoe plant that i have. I didn't check for it and now paid dearly (upset as i was). I know put in a pinapple chunk (Barneys farm [round two with this seed for me - last one -dud]) into soil - this is to replace skunk and for good measure ive dropped into water a blue cheese (Big Buddha seeds). update to come dam slung got away, i have yet to find. :)
when i am wrong i like to share it and not kick the wrong under the matt. I am wrong as far as with gender of the two indica strangers. they have shown me some female parts recently, its shows me rushing to things/conclusions - shame on me, patience is one thing i forget with gardening.

So, onto the garden.

in the main area, four stand red cherry, cookies,

two strangers, i've been using lst on the stangers (they are beasts in strength and resilience).
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Ive been testing out a cloner with a couple of useless parts of some of my plants (red on the left and stranger -mut on the right), i have removed and been bubbling for two days, been getting hot water i guess due to motor of pump and having to replenish daily to cool), but looking forwards to the results. :)


Lastly. Auto city. with several of the strains mentioned, blue/blue and amn - (under LST)


And grizzly, a weekish into flower.
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It has been two week since posting and i've been having a bit of issues in the garden over the last few weeks. With the killing of another seedling (big budda blue cheese is no more) :( - through too harsh a soil - it was eaten by this soils nutrient content, so stem/root system to withered to nothing and left me a piece of steam and head :S. second seed down in two weeks - dam it.

Also with a cloning machine (first time running one, usually i just clone straight into soil. these four clones i just messed up some how, perhaps atmosphere conditioning incorrectly - my bad.
So i have to press on with it all, minus the set backs and i have recently taken a few more clones from mut and cookies - place in rockwool - first time trying this method as well.

It's all been an enlightening experience and an interesting experiemental stage for me, setting up a nice system that will provide for me, I'm fully ingrossed with this whole process of bringing new life to stand and how to go about doing it, with trying different methods so far with no a pereference to which to stick too. no picture this week though no time, maybe next week. TTFN
weekend up date. With pictures :).

Been experimenting with different cloning techniques, bubbler i don't get along with due to transplanting issues, so i move over to rockwool and soil cloning. i have had (in the past) better results with soil, but we shall see what happens with these batches.
in rockwool: 4 cookies and 3x mut. 6 days old.
in soil: 4 x rip. 2 days old.

here are the mothers .

red and cherry - tent side and longing to be outside once again - not happening due to thrip investation outside.
red surviving baby. R1
Rip: (after the clones had been taken)

Mut: two weeks ago and now.
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grizzly auto: two weeks ago and now + the developing bud - two week ago and now
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With the autos i have running are meh and atm are not worth the upload, i willl produce something in a month.
I also have a pinepple chunk with i had to remove its shell - which has lead to the poor guy deforming itself, ill wait another week and produce some progress pictures, so just in case i'm about to pop a lsd from Barney farm and humbolts blue dream just for good measure. :D

For most of the strains i'm running atm (minus cookies and autos) - i have topped them around the fourth/firth node, removed lower branches and LST them into X's. i cannot wait to see teh results of flower in septemberish time 6month monsters..i hope hail hydra plants lol :D
While having a look around the garden this morning, i found this under the leaf of mut
caterpillar eggs :)
Never seen that before.... :) here are some more pics of my situation20160608_145138.jpg20160608_145148.jpg


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Time... for a weekly update. The garden is now in full swing, weather for the outdoors is not too great atm, but i have faith that the ladies are hardcore and are going to withstand it. clones have been transplanted and are moving to next stages of their development.

Grizzly Auto will most likely be finished within two weeks - she is eating her own nutient supplies and is yellowing fast ( Note: coco and soil mix won't supply and last the whole growth).

The other Autos have started their own flowering cycles off. It is doutfull they won't even produce no more than a feweights - barely reaching 14g (but we shall see). this will be the lst of the Auto that i will run, i just do nosee a benifit to them at this point in time of their genetic development.

I've been in the habbit to pop eveyweek a new strain so far i have had two pop up with shells on their heads and being scrapped off because of it. (lsd from barneys and pineapple chunk from barneys).
A reason for this - is to produce differnet tastes and.another reason is to find a strain i would like to keep (due to the two mothers no proforming as well [red and mut are champ and are being kept for now, while cookies and rip are not staying around]), so i am hunting a good set of mothers while also finding which of my seeds are not to the spec from the seed companies that are avaliable, so fair i am not happy with the structure or proformances of the seed i have from barneys - cookies kush the structure of the plant is just weak and feeble for how old she i, lsd and pineapple - shell heads :) - i will be running them again - just to make sure. while red cherry berry is all good, mut and rip are doing what they do, even though rip is for me too stout and short for m liking, i have taken cuttings to run them again - just to be sure :).

(no pictures this week, i'll be uploading pics every two weeks instead of every week, development is shown off better that way and yes i have weekly pictures just in case a request is made to see full development)
Time... for a weekly update. The garden is now in full swing, weather for the outdoors is not too great atm, but i have faith that the ladies are hardcore and are going to withstand it. clones have been transplanted and are moving to next stages of their development.

Grizzly Auto will most likely be finished within two weeks - she is eating her own nutient supplies and is yellowing fast ( Note: coco and soil mix won't supply and last the whole growth).

The other Autos have started their own flowering cycles off. It is doutfull they won't even produce no more than a feweights - barely reaching 14g (but we shall see). this will be the lst of the Auto that i will run, i just do nosee a benifit to them at this point in time of their genetic development.

I've been in the habbit to pop eveyweek a new strain so far i have had two pop up with shells on their heads and being scrapped off because of it. (lsd from barneys and pineapple chunk from barneys).
A reason for this - is to produce differnet tastes and.another reason is to find a strain i would like to keep (due to the two mothers no proforming as well [red and mut are champ and are being kept for now, while cookies and rip are not staying around]), so i am hunting a good set of mothers while also finding which of my seeds are not to the spec from the seed companies that are avaliable, so fair i am not happy with the structure or proformances of the seed i have from barneys - cookies kush the structure of the plant is just weak and feeble for how old she i, lsd and pineapple - shell heads :) - i will be running them again - just to make sure. while red cherry berry is all good, mut and rip are doing what they do, even though rip is for me too stout and short for m liking, i have taken cuttings to run them again - just to be sure :).

(no pictures this week, i'll be uploading pics every two weeks instead of every week, development is shown off better that way and yes i have weekly pictures just in case a request is made to see full development)
Grizzly purp 55..she is definitely yellowing her leaves in this stage, she is starting to purple up..not to mention at day 23 I completely snapped her main stalk off, tape her and she kept on pushing.
Been lst, you can see her whole main stalk, while all branches are facing one way. Bottom branches made its way to the top with main. Your girls looking good.
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Grizzly purp 55..she is definitely yellowing her leaves in this stage, she is starting to purple up..not to mention at day 23 I completely snapped her main stalk off, tape her and she kept on pushing.
Been lst, you can see her whole main stalk, while all branches are facing one way. Bottom branches made its way to the top with main. Your girls looking good.

Hello and welcome to my journal Cloudly, thank you for taking a look.

I must say "wow" on your auto flower you had there amego. compaired to mine you are getting a Thumbs up from me :) (as if thumbs up matters :D ).
out of the autos i have had a try with, grizzly has been the better out of them all, and most likely to be last auto for a while from me. grizzly is 60days plus and is entering final stages before i chop her down and it doesn't compair,
Also, thank you for the info on how she acted out with the yellowing effect, mine is almost 50% yellow now - she be sucking N like nobodies business.

Would you say the terpin profile was sweat and berry like while in flower?

Did you indoor or outdoor her? I'm interested in your method with results like that you have :D.[/QUOTE]
Grizzly purp 55..she is definitely yellowing her leaves in this stage, she is starting to purple up..not to mention at day 23 I completely snapped her main stalk off, tape her and she kept on pushing.
Been lst, you can see her whole main stalk, while all branches are facing one way. Bottom branches made its way to the top with main. Your girls looking good.

Hello and welcome to my journal Cloudly, thank you for taking a look.

I must say "wow" on your auto flower you had there amego. compaired to mine you are getting a Thumbs up from me :) (as if thumbs up matters :D ).
out of the autos i have had a try with, grizzly has been the better out of them all, and most likely to be last auto for a while from me. grizzly is 60days plus and is entering final stages before i chop her down and it doesn't compair,
Also, thank you for the info on how she acted out with the yellowing effect, mine is almost 50% yellow now - she be sucking N like nobodies business.

Would you say the terpin profile was sweat and berry like while in flower?

Did you indoor or outdoor her? I'm interested in your method with results like that you have :D.
She definitely has a sweet aroma.
Next time, when the plant is about 23 days old, tie the main stalk down to were the other stems or branches are at the same height as main or above.And position the plant to were the main top is furthest from light. That will encourage her to seek the light and shoot up...Thanks!
The ladies are looking nice dude :) here are some of mine from earlier :)

nirvana - bubblelicious
sweet seeds- sweet skunk auto


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