Mass Shooting at Florida Gay Club

Maybe "banned" was the wrong wording. How about "ostracized"?

The point was, the kid had a picture of a flag and everyone went nuts over it. This most recent shooter screams "ISIS" and Buck is claiming it had nothing to do with it. How can you relate one and not the other?
I still see that flag here and there and I live in Oregon. Where was it ostracized? How does one do that anyway?

I don't understand. Does ISIS fly the Confederate Battle flag?
I'll believe that when the investigation uncovers prior contact with ISIS. Until then, the story is that a nut job with extreme religious views committed a cowardly act. The guy was American born, by the way. Are you suggesting that all American born men should be put on watch by the police for possible terrorist acts and shouting ISIS?

So when he changed his name to a Muslim name, that don`t indicate anything ? American born, changed his name to Muslim, pledged allegiance to ISIS, ISIS confirmed,....What the fuck is wrong with you ?

You are in denial.

What do you need to believe he was ISIS ?
You understand what I'm saying, you're just being difficult. ;)
Actually, I don't understand your point. The Confederate Battle flag has symbolic meaning and to some represented racist suppression. It was not an official flag of the US and was pulled from official sites. It has not been suppressed, ostracized, banned or what have you in common society. Same with the NAZI flag.

A guy shouting ISIS means nothing really. The guy was an American born US citizen with anger management issues and he held extreme religious views that were more in common with other mass shooters than with people of the Muslim faith. The story that makes most sense is he acted alone but used the name of another group of religious nut jobs to justify his act. No evidence thus far has come out regarding prior contact between the shooter and ISIS. So far, it's all just speculation. You are free to engage in it and I'm free to question your jumping to this conclusion.
Actually, I don't understand your point. The Confederate Battle flag has symbolic meaning and to some represented racist suppression. It was not an official flag of the US and was pulled from official sites. It has not been suppressed, ostracized, banned or what have you in common society. Same with the NAZI flag.

A guy shouting ISIS means nothing really. The guy was an American born US citizen with anger management issues and he held extreme religious views that were more in common with other mass shooters than with people of the Muslim faith. The story that makes most sense is he acted alone but used the name of another group of religious nut jobs to justify his act. No evidence thus far has come out regarding prior contact between the shooter and ISIS. So far, it's all just speculation. You are free to engage in it and I'm free to question your jumping to this conclusion.

So what about ISIS confirming it ? Or Are you only going to believe the FBI.,
Just like the kid who shot up the church used the confederate flag as his motivation.

How does the confederate flag fit into the picture but ISIS doesn't?
The flag wasn't banned. Shouting ISIS isn't banned, although it might be like shouting fire in a crowded theater so that might get you into trouble. I just don't understand the connection.
How about ISIS confirmation ? That work ? You think only the FBI can confirm ISIS ?

How do I slap you in the head through the internet ?
Oh, please. Is this getting your knickers in a bunch? You make up shit and get aggravated when somebody asks for a more credible source? Sorry man, that rotten stew slopping about in your head isn't good for drawing credible conclusions, drawing flies maybe, but not something worth thinking about.
Evangelist Christians are the most bigoted hateful and prone to terrorist actions. I'm glad you are coming to that realization too.

Sure are. Just witnessed a group downtown beheading a bunch of gays, thowing them off church rooftops too! Christians are just awful.
Oh, please. Is this getting your knickers in a bunch? You make up shit and get aggravated when somebody asks for a more credible source? Sorry man, that rotten stew slopping about in your head isn't good for drawing credible conclusions, drawing flies maybe, but not something worth thinking about.


You are arguing with 2 complete knot-holes. Just a reminder. Logic isn't valued
Oh, please. Is this getting your knickers in a bunch? You make up shit and get aggravated when somebody asks for a more credible source? Sorry man, that rotten stew slopping about in your head isn't good for drawing credible conclusions, drawing flies maybe, but not something worth thinking about.

Dude, ISIS confirmed him. He pledged,...The FBI is not the only way to confirm ISIS. What exactly do you need to be convinced, a fucking tattoo ? What ? Just the FBI ?

You can`t get more ISIS confirmation than a man pledging and ISIS confirming. Does Putin need confirmation from the FBI to confirm he Russian ? What`s a matter wit you ?

You are arguing with 2 complete knot-holes. Just a reminder. Logic isn't valued
I know, I figured I'd spam this thread with a little truth and logic because, the shit they post was stinking really bad and needed a little dilution with facts. I'll stop in a bit and let the monkeys howl uninterrupted.
I know, I figured I'd spam this thread with a little truth and logic because, the shit they post was stinking really bad and needed a little dilution with facts. I'll stop in a bit and let the monkeys howl uninterrupted.

You still aint said what you need to be assured the killer in Florida was ISIS. Obviously ISIS wont do.