Al B. FAQt

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I wish I could just go to the hydroshop but its at least 200 miles away. I can order some but it may be awhile before I get it. So how long do you think my plants can survive in akelline water?
Hey Al, couple of quick things, I have this batwing reflector project going on, I was wondering if you know what 'spread' of your is your is? I am using a 36" by 24" piece of 020ga. I used standard 'S' strips at the edges and bent them 90d, drilled thru and will install a cross bar to maintain the 'Spread' of the reflector.
Do you know the approximate date you posted your cool tube installation, looked around for about 30 pages, didn't find it. Any help you can give is appreciated. VV:lol:


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So how long do you think my plants can survive in akelline water?

Long enough to become nutrient deficient from pH lockout, I suppose, or at least one would hope they go that long...

Hey Al, couple of quick things, I have this batwing reflector project going on, I was wondering if you know what 'spread' of your is your is? I am using a 36" by 24" piece of 020ga. I used standard 'S' strips at the edges and bent them 90d, drilled thru and will install a cross bar to maintain the 'Spread' of the reflector.

Nice work, VV. :) Your workshop is soooooooo much better organised than mine!

By 'spread', what measurement are you talking about? How much light spread there is on the lighted surface below? The distance between the far ends of the batwing?

Do you know the approximate date you posted your cool tube installation, looked around for about 30 pages, didn't find it. Any help you can give is appreciated. VV:lol:
Yeah, I know, the search function in this forum softwe doesn't really work that well.

Once I'm surer of what measurement you want, I'll just whip out the tape measure and have a look.
The distance between the far end of the batwings, I thought about that and decided you would already know I plan on covering (2) 3' sq tables. VV
hopefully thay can last a week to week and half, ok I said I was not going to have any more questions, but you and I know that was a lie and I'm appalogize for that.

One of my plants looks fine except for a little learning process it shows, but anyways the second set of leaves down from the newbies are very dry and kinda wrinkle.
This is vague, but with out pics would you say its nute burn are deficiency?
The distance between the far end of the batwings, I thought about that and decided you would already know I plan on covering (2) 3' sq tables. VV

OK, looks like this:

The ref is made from 2 panels of 1mm aluminium sheet, 610mm x 700mm wide. The panels are joined on the 700mm axis and overlap about 30mm.

The spread is adjustable with small stainless cables against the spring tension of the alu sheet from 900-1000mm. The arc of the parabolas is about 50mm from flat as shown.

Is that enough info? If not, please feel free to ask about anything else.

One of my plants looks fine except for a little learning process it shows, but anyways the second set of leaves down from the newbies are very dry and kinda wrinkle.
This is vague, but with out pics would you say its nute burn are deficiency?

got pix?
If I haven't +r'd you recently, let me know. I'll pop you some and you can chime in with how much it was worth. I'm not sure there's much rhyme or reason to it.

I've gotten some +r's with no messages. The board does not display the user who did the +r. If I don't know where it came from, I can't reciprocate.
Looks like we have a grand total of 28. A hefty amount considering I had zero a moment ago, yet I somehow expected more considering all those + blocks over there. Too bad they don't implement a shop/store where you can spend rep points on stupid/cool forum things.
Yep, Stoney McD had 0 when I +r'd him the other day, he got 28 too.

Interesting notion to make the accumulated points do something other than accumulate. :)
Don't have pix but leaves are the same color as the rest just dry and are a little shriveled. Plus one of the leaves has a small brown lighting bolt coming from the point of the leave. The only thing I can do is draw you a picture:rolleyes:
Hey Al what kind of cloning solution do you use. I bought Clonex cuz I heard and seen almost everybody use it, but right on the label it says not for food crops. So which one am I soppose to get?
Don't have pix but leaves are the same color as the rest just dry and are a little shriveled. Plus one of the leaves has a small brown lighting bolt coming from the point of the leave. The only thing I can do is draw you a picture:rolleyes:

Sorry, can't help you much without a photo.

Hey Al what kind of cloning solution do you use. I bought Clonex cuz I heard and seen almost everybody use it, but right on the label it says not for food crops. So which one am I soppose to get?

I don't like rooting gels for a few reasons. They wash off after a few waterings. Gels can also support pathogen growth in between uses. If you must use gels, never dip the stem in the main container. Put some in an old bottlecap and discard any excess. If you have dipped in the main container, discard it after one use. Keep rooting gel in the fridge between uses.

Powder type rooting aids have the same active ingredient (butyric acid) but the powder forms a paste which stays put with all but the most enthusiastic watering.

I don't know what human health hazard a few mg of butyric acid used early in plant formation is supposed to present, but it would be very small.
Well that sucks because I bought a cheap version awhile ago at the garden center(powder), but took it back cuz it said the same dame thing. So my dumbass went an ordered this expensive shit thinking it was ment for our kind of clones, and it says the same MF shit.

Can a sativa get stress from not having room to grow but wanting too? (just maybe a stupid secondtime grower question)
ordered this expensive shit thinking it was ment for our kind of clones, and it says the same MF shit.

Sorry about that...

Can a sativa get stress from not having room to grow but wanting too? (just maybe a stupid secondtime grower question)
Could you be more specific?

If the pot is too small for a vigorous plant, it can become rootbound. Roots are packed too tightly together to allow good aeration and movement of nute soln through the roots.
Hello Al B.,

Allow me to introduce myself-I am Old, last name Way.
After much debate I have decided to engage in public discussion (or go online or communicate electronically in any way about anything) regarding my new op. First let me join the masses in thanking you for your active involvement here and the guidance you have provided for the other members here. Now I have what is likely to be the start of many questions for you.

It took three months to get me here but:
I spent weeks pouring over the information here in order to use it in my planning and as part of my guide. Then spent weeks building out 2 13'x13' rooms- Long story short i have modeled my op after yours with the exception of the flower room where i am using 3 top-drip res/tray combos (3.5m. trays/265liter res-each serviced with 1kw HPS on 2 meter light rails, air cooled and glass enclosed reflectors, all thermo/humi/vent equipment automated) to harvest 8-10wk strains at a rate of 3.5m.sq. every 19-22 days in a sog-about 72 plants. My nutrient resevoirs in the flower room are formulated Day1-18, Day19-40, Day 41 (right about 6wks)-finish.

My first question is....That should work, right? Rather than the 4 resevoir set-up for wks 1-2, 3-4. 5-6, etc

Second Question-Is it normal for seed grown plants to stretch a fair bit 7-8cm prior to stopping and putting out true sets of leaves.

I know clones grow laterally right from the grow medium but i expected my seedlings to stay much more compact. I am starting with good genetics from reptutable sources and just finished germinating my first batch of 48 plants 5 days ago (47 germinated-I will allow all to preflower then destroy all males and turn about half the females into mums to keep up with the 72 clones I need every 19 days and run the rest through in the flower room to sample the genetics before the sog harvests are pepetuated).

I should let you know seeds were germinated directly from the starter plugs (instead of paper towel-to plug-could that be the difference?)and have started their lives under under a 1kw MH in the veg room. Light was started a meter above and moved down to optimal height over the course of 2 days. The room is kept at 24-25 degrees, humidity at 50-55%-again all automated environmental controls, and the nut solution is at 1.4EC or 700ppm for the first 6-7 days. I am using a quality grow formula at 45% strength and a 25% dose of fulvic acid and a drop of superthrive/4liters. Ph is maintained at 5.5-5.6 a light dose of hydroguard has also been added and i should probably mention while this is my first grow I come from an extensive backgound in ornamental horticulture and floriculture. I am looking forward to preflowers so i can start propagating. (Here I am using a 90 cell aeroponic cloning machine-Its all about enjoying the fruits of your labor not laboring over your fruit)

The seedlings have been growing true sets of leaves for 5 days now and many are starting third sets. (At this point there is no further stretching taking place and growth looks dense and healthy just hoping the initial stretch is not going to lead to excessive height. And again is this normal for seed grown or has there been a mistep? Either way is it going to be detremental in any way since most of the females are being grown into mums leaving only 16-18 +,- female bushes (trees maybe) to move to flower for our taste testing.:bigjoint:

Thanks for the time to answer yet another nooby question. I will sleep better if i know where i went wrong or if it is the norm.

Old in the Way
OK. I can find lots of 35% H2O2. But it seems damn difficult...and pricey to get the 50% solution. Even from chemical supply places I found prices like $140.00 for 500ml of stabilized 50% H2O2 solution.

Any references to your vendor would be appreciated. Otherwise I will continue to use the 35% stuff that I am able to find.


What I mean is if I do not raise my light each day to let it grow taller would this hurt it in any way? Its been touching my fluros for about 4 days, I was going to let the inernoid catch up.
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