Well-Known Member

Maybe they have a version of Hillary or Bernie in Mexico we can illegally vote for.
nobody really needs a gun. They can wait to clear background checks. Just ask the victims families in Charleston if the three day limit is a reasonable time limit for background checks given the low number of people the GOP congress authorized to perform the checks,.Hillary just Stated if you are suspect, "You shouldn`t be able to buy a gun, no questions asked".
Said nothing about obtaining one illegally with no questions plus ammo.
Strait up bullshitter with an agenda to get votes.
Trump says we'd be a better country if neighbors snitched on each other whenever a lot of packages or visitors show up next door.ISIS attacks on american soil sense 2014. 73 dead, SAD.
From April to June, 2014, Ali Muhammed Brown killed four Americans on a “mission of vengeance” against the United States. On September 25, 2014, Alton Nolen beheaded an Oklahoma woman with a knife. His social media pages were covered with evidence of jihadist leanings and motivations. On May 3, 2015, Elton Simpson and Nadir Soofi attacked an exhibit of Mohammed images in Garland, Texas. They wounded a security officer, but police killed them before they were able to carry out mass murder. On July 16, 2015, Mohammad Abdulazeez killed five people at two Chattanooga recruiting stations. FBI director James Comey declared that Abdulazeez was “inspired/motivated” by terrorist propaganda. On November 4, 2015, Faisal Mohammed went on an ISIS-inspired stabbing spree — wounding four — before he was killed by campus police. On December 2, 2015, Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik pledged allegiance to ISIS then killed 14 people and wounded 21 at a Christmas party in San Bernardino, Calif. On January 8, 2015, Edward Archer pledged himself to ISIS and attempted to assassinate a Philadelphia police officer. The wounded officer chased down and apprehended Archer before he could commit any other acts of violence. On June 12, 2016, Omar Mateen pledged himself to ISIS and killed 49 people and wounds 53 at a gay nightclub in Orlando.
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Y'all trying to take the guns away again. ?
nobody really needs a gun. They can wait to clear background checks. Just ask the victims families in Charleston if the three day limit is a reasonable time limit for background checks given the low number of people the GOP congress authorized to perform the checks,.
Background checks, No, I`m for, a $40,000 trust fee on assault guns and $15,000 promise not to murder fee on ammo.
So a criminal just goes and buys an illegal weapon for $500
Great... Punish the legal gun owners. BTW, does that include security guards, etc??
Because the last 2 shooters worked security and or the government and had completely clean records.
Hint: It is not about the guns.