Mass Shooting at Florida Gay Club

I dont know,thats what the media is saying. But what difference does it make, he priased ISlam in the 911 call he made. Have you heard the 911 tape yet? I would like to hear it.
No I haven't heard it yet, I thought real Muslims weren't allowed yo be gay? His dad said he's not gay and if was frequenting gay clubs and gay dating apps it was only to plot . Lol I bet by tomorrow they're going to have a list of guys he sucked off on the dl.
we need emotional content, not anger, now try again with me.

DONT THINK!!! feeeeeel,.... it is like a finger pointing away to the moon. Do not consentrate on the finger or you will miss all that heavenly glory.
No I haven't heard it yet, I thought real Muslims weren't allowed yo be gay? His dad said he's not gay and if was frequenting gay clubs and gay dating apps it was only to plot . Lol I bet by tomorrow they're going to have a list of guys he sucked off on the dl.
. I heard an interview this afternoon discussing Muslim Homosexuality. The discussion was about some Muslim leader who crossed dressed . They are sopposed to hate gays and kill them but of coarse some of them are going to be gay and cant express it because of the radical Islamic religious suppression. Its really so sad.
. I heard an interview this afternoon discussing Muslim Homosexuality. The discussion was about some Muslim leader who crossed dressed . They are sopposed to hate gays and kill them but of coarse some of them are going to be gay and cant express it because of the radical Islamic religious suppression. Its really so sad.
Guy probably felt ashamed and snapped. Most likely didn't even have Any real connection with Isis. This isn't a terrorist he's just a fucking lunatic.
now the liberals must convince themselves he was not an islamic terrorist ......

but he visited saudi arabia so he could goose step around a huge black square with other islamists ( cultist )

i guess the liberals do not like the corruption that comes with supporting hillary, very, very sad.

p.s. - co-workers report this killer using prayer rug five times per day..... but it's just a big coincidence. they can't handle hillary taking 50 + million from these terrorist.
now the liberals must convince themselves he was not an islamic terrorist ......

but he visited saudi arabia so he could march around a huge black square with other islamists ( cultist )

i guess the liberals do not like the corruption that comes with supporting hillary, very, very sad.

So, if the wife tried to talk him out of it and drove him to the club to "scope it out" (her words), how do we make the leap that he was gay?

What gives you the right to interpret our rights?

Not to be infringed is clearly stated on that document.

As I have stated, you know nothing about me. You act like I'm a right wing nut job.

I'm not a left or right winger.

I believe in our rights, as written by our forefathers, not your interpretation of them.

I say you would be surprised at what I believe. Things like I support universal health care.

Don't paint me into some mold and definitely don't think I'm stupid for not wanting to change our constitution.

i never said the killer was gay. but his cult ( islam ) is anti christian, anti gay, anti women .....

but liberals ignore the fact hillary has taken 50 million from these regimes that foster this hatred toward these groups - the very essence of corruption.
No I haven't heard it yet, I thought real Muslims weren't allowed yo be gay? His dad said he's not gay and if was frequenting gay clubs and gay dating apps it was only to plot . Lol I bet by tomorrow they're going to have a list of guys he sucked off on the dl.

I tried to suck him off but he got all anti-gay on me. Then he couldn't get hard afterwards. It would have been awkward but I changed the subject and talked about visiting Disney world instead.
now the liberals must convince themselves he was not an islamic terrorist ......

but he visited saudi arabia so he could goose step around a huge black square with other islamists ( cultist )

i guess the liberals do not like the corruption that comes with supporting hillary, very, very sad.

p.s. - co-workers report this killer using prayer rug five times per day..... but it's just a big coincidence. they can't handle hillary taking 50 + million from these terrorist.
Mass shootings are the result of people having a bad reaction to SSRI drugs. This is covered up by the drug industry. The same reasons the military has seen a sharp rise in suicides even with service members who were never in combat. Research SSRI drugs and school shootings that began as soon as theses drugs were introduced and practically all mass shooters and murder suicides are committed by persons coming off theses drugs.
I'm not worried about anyone taking my guns. That pic was just an example.

If that familiar, use the right terms then and correct people when they don't.

Though I'm not worried about someone taking my guns I'm not going to call someone stupid for being worried about it.

Some in this country would like to see firearms banned.

I take the constitution seriously. Those are our rights and I don't want to see a single one trampled on.
I don't want to see our constitutional be trampled either, but I believe that ship sailed a long time ago.