The No Fly List


Well-Known Member
I think a lot of people forgot the Timeline of ISIS. Again, I don't watch their videos or anything, and I actually support the Kurds/Peshmerga, and if I knew where to send money I would raise money for them, I just don't even know where I would send it.

But here is how ISIS started:
First there was the Afghan war where America funded Bin Laden, and then Iran Contra and all that.

Then, Desert Storm (Basically like the Crimean-Russian issue now, except America went in to stop Iraq from taking parts of Kuwait), Bush Sr. is said to have almost been killed by Sadam. And there was the Highway of Death in Kuwait. In this war Americans chased people through the desert while they set oil fields on fire.

Then 9/11 and Operation Iraqi Freedom, which erroneously connected Bin Laden to Sadam, and America killed Sadam. Then America basically shut down Iraq while they tried to figure out what to do, and Iraqis became radical because their home was turned into a non-ending war zone. During this war Americans also chased people through the desert while they set oil fields on fire. ISIS was already in the works during this time, there were receipts and everything showing that they were paying people for stuff.

Then Obama took Soldiers out of Iraq Leaving Trucks, Guns, Tanks, etc. Syria went crazy because Asad started killing his own people, and the Syrian Revolution and groups like Al Qaeda got all mixed together, then ISIS started robbing banks. They let Al Bagdhadi out of Guantanamo, believing he was harmless, but he had seen some horrible stuff happen to people there. So he declared the Caliphate and started the beheadings. Then ISIS took territory and oil fields.

This isn't just randomly happening. America started it. America could maybe fix it, but it should be recognized that America started it.


Well-Known Member
Has anyone noticed that they stopped showing videos of people in the Desert making those noises, like you know what I mean, the noise that sounds almost like a Native American thing, but it automatically makes you think of Terrorists. Like "Alalalalalala", I have no idea how to spell it. But did you notice they never show it anymore?


Well-Known Member
I think a lot of people forgot the Timeline of ISIS. Again, I don't watch their videos or anything, and I actually support the Kurds/Peshmerga, and if I knew where to send money I would raise money for them, I just don't even know where I would send it.
if you are interested in donating to the kurds/pesh, shoot me a pm.


Well-Known Member
if you are interested in donating to the kurds/pesh, shoot me a pm.
I want to start a whole campaign. Like this, but for the Peshmerga

If a bunch of people sent in like $1 or $5 or $10 they could eventually start manufacturing their own weapons and stuff (they do it in Libya). And the American Government doesn't directly send aid to them, it has to go through Baghdad, so if people who wanted to send them money had a way to do it, it would definitely help.


Well-Known Member
there is a way to do it. they don't really need weapons, they need basic living supplies. i spent a year over there with a couple groups that needed help with medical facilities and trained their "medics" on dealing with battle wounds and trauma. i enjoyed that much better than the $2500/week paychecks and dealing with whiny bitches that i had working in the ER here.


Well-Known Member
i guess the point is, there is no rhyme or reason how people end up on the list. the range of people on the no-fly-list goes from legit terror suspect to people vocally in opposition of the current political regime to TSA agents to republican congressmen. i've known a couple people on the no fly list, and they were simply no a threat to anyone. there is no transparency on how you get on or off the list. no due process, you know that thing guaranteed by the Constitution.


Well-Known Member
there is a way to do it. they don't really need weapons, they need basic living supplies. i spent a year over there with a couple groups that needed help with medical facilities and trained their "medics" on dealing with battle wounds and trauma. i enjoyed that much better than the $2500/week paychecks and dealing with whiny bitches that i had working in the ER here.
If you have any contacts, can you post them here?


Well-Known Member
It's basically just the desperation of the intelligence communities, they literally have no idea what to do about people becoming terrorists, and they have no idea how it happens. So out of complete desperation they just start labeling people.
Stop being fucking cunts and treat people with respect?


Well-Known Member
And I'm not saying Video Games cause stuff like this, but I haven't played a lot of Video Games since I was in like Middle School and Highschool, and I recently went back to my home town to win my Religious Case, and I visited a friend and they were playing Grand Theft Auto. And again, I am not saying that Video Games cause these things, but if someone has thoughts about destroying Governments or killing Infidels, I don't think games like Grand Theft Auto help their mental state at all.
Or it relieves whatever pent up hostilities you have on a video game, rather than running down that son of a bitch that cut you off on the way to work, then stopped to let a bus in, which stopped at every other god damn house, so you were ten minutes late to work. :finger::cuss:. I'm just saying it can be therapeutic sometimes.


Well-Known Member
Back around 2000, after reading a list of supposed trigger words that alerted the FBI, me and a buddy made a long phone call where all we did was talk about killing the president and blowing things up to see what happened. Nothing. I've flown since then, actually shortly after that. I've posted some pretty radical ideas in the past, I'm no supporter of our government or it's policies. I guess I'll just drive anywhere I need to go if I'm on it. Hey Fbi, nsa, cia, et al ..:finger:.


Well-Known Member
i used to fly a ton, both domestic and internationally before 9/11, mostly when i was in the Navy. after 9/11, i hate even dropping people off at the airport. i disliked the bullshit before, and it's increased exponentially since. my fix was to get my pilot's license. now if i REALLY need to fly somewhere i'll do it myself and forgo TSA and their xray machines and rapey groping agents.


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Staff member
......snip....... now if i REALLY need to fly somewhere i'll do it myself and forgo TSA and their xray machines and rapey groping agents.
What is the cost of say a flight from say BOS to LHR and what type of plane you fly transatlantic/pacific?


Well-Known Member
Or it relieves whatever pent up hostilities you have on a video game, rather than running down that son of a bitch that cut you off on the way to work, then stopped to let a bus in, which stopped at every other god damn house, so you were ten minutes late to work. :finger::cuss:. I'm just saying it can be therapeutic sometimes.
That makes sense too, but that is different. Getting mad at stupid people or bad drivers is different than wanting to kill "The Infidel".


Well-Known Member
I was under the assumption you had to be able to afford a ticket to even get on the fly list. Kinda puts you on the no fly list...
Lol. I work for an Oracle Platinum Partner company, I make plenty of money. And I'll make even more once I finish the Lawsuit and start importing things.


Well-Known Member
Back around 2000, after reading a list of supposed trigger words that alerted the FBI, me and a buddy made a long phone call where all we did was talk about killing the president and blowing things up to see what happened. Nothing. I've flown since then, actually shortly after that. I've posted some pretty radical ideas in the past, I'm no supporter of our government or it's policies. I guess I'll just drive anywhere I need to go if I'm on it. Hey Fbi, nsa, cia, et al ..:finger:.
I tweet at the FBI, NSA, CIA, DOJ, POTUS, etc all the time, and I have an email list with like 3,000 different Politicians and Media people on it. You have a right to say things, and even complain about them and stuff.

And the trigger words just put up Red Flags, Red Flags don't actually mean anything. If I say "Hi Jack" at an airport that puts up Red Flags, but it literally means nothing. A lot of comedy and art is actually about making people see Red Flags, just for fun. So when you were talking about that stuff on the phone they may have actually investigated you or followed you, but when you didn't do anything they realized it was a joke. Or they didn't even notice, because there are probably so many people doing that. Especially since Edward Snowden.


Well-Known Member
Me and some people I hung out with in my home town used to call the Situation Room (in the White House) and they would say like "Situation Room this is Chris" and we would say things like "We've got a situation, there's a cat in a tree" and stuff like that, and one time they told us they were going to track the call, and we just laughed, it's not illegal to call the White House.