About 15 years ago, I was driving at 3 am, in the deep north, when I noticed a strange light at tree top level about 1/8 mile behind me.
It stayed there. Around curves, up and down hills, no matter what I did I could see it. I stopped and got out, just to see if it was a reflection on the glass, or something else. It was there, I got back in the car, and it stayed with me until I got to the lights of civilization. There is an army base near where I was, so maybe it was a drone or something, but it didn't buzz like drones do...
I have no idea what it was, but it was trippy.
About 15 years ago, I was driving at 3 am, in the deep north, when I noticed a strange light at tree top level about 1/8 mile behind me.
It stayed there. Around curves, up and down hills, no matter what I did I could see it. I stopped and got out, just to see if it was a reflection on the glass, or something else. It was there, I got back in the car, and it stayed with me until I got to the lights of civilization. There is an army base near where I was, so maybe it was a drone or something, but it didn't buzz like drones do...
I have no idea what it was, but it was trippy.
That's kind of what it did to me. It knew what I was doing and where I was going. It knew when I would hit the breaks and when I would speed up.
Coz, it's so high in IQ..I mean, mankind has come a long way..hopefully we better mankind with alien technology.
The government wont share that tech. They'll keep a lid on it because their best interests are not in giving people free energy but oil and other things. Tesla is a perfect example. He wanted everyone to have free energy, they couldn't make money off him so they say his shit won't work. Guess what the electric company uses now and charges us for.
So true...mankind has come a long way..everybody is corrupt with money..
Trying to hide what makes us smart..such puerile..
Judgment day is among us..
Get that weapon clean, snort fiend/toke billy, BLACK-OUT, BITCH!!!!!!!!

Huge ‘Flying Saucer UFO’ Hovered In The Sky Over Shanghai, China For 10 Hours [Photo]
Hundreds of witnesses in the bustling city of Shanghai, China, have reported sighting a huge “flying saucer UFO” with multi-colored lights that hovered over the city for 10 hours on Sunday, July 3, 2016. The report from China has sparked feverish excitement in the alien conspiracy theory blogosphere, with wild speculation about alien invasion that takes inspiration from the 1996 Independence Day movie.

But skeptics have dismissed the latest alleged sighting and offered various alternative suggestions, ranging from a lenticular cloud to LED night kites.

Hundreds of stunned residents of Shanghai reportedly claimed to have watched the alleged flying saucer UFO suspended motionless in the sky over the city for several hours overnight on Sunday, July 3, 2016.
According to Chinese media reports, a witness identified as Yeng, said the flying saucer UFO hovered over the city until the early hours of Sunday. It was first spotted at about 8 p.m. on Saturday night and disappeared mysteriously just before dawn on Sunday.

Yeng told reporters that he used a telescope to observe the mysterious object and saw bright flashes of red, yellow, and blue lights. He was in the company of friends on Songhu Road in Shanghai when they spotted the mysterious object suspended in the night sky.
Hey what about that......

A close Friend of mine and myself had a lil Brainstorming about...
"What would a Alien Crew on a Spaceship think about Humans after lets say five Years of observation?"

We came to the conclusion if we would be part of that crew we would vote against making any contact with humans.

Now what can you expect from a race that kills nature, eat animals slaughter them brutaly, kills their own brothers and sisters, steal, ripoff, creating hunger making war and all that shit. But for what humans do all that?

Just to get lil pieces of colored paper with numbers on it!
Something they call money.

Thats not the kind I would like to contact if I would be cool Alien.

Why we even should contact them.
Lets get enough of that lil paper thing with big numbers and just control the humans.

They not even need contact or war with us.... they just need lots of money or a ton of diamonds to rule us.

I think most stuff we observe is man made.

And if only half of what we know about Montauk Project is real.... You also have the answer for helicopters on sumerian wall/tile drawings... and or the answer why the first pyramids are better than younger ones.
When you build a house for the first time you as a novice will make mistakes. You learn from your mistakes and after buildung 100 houses you know your stuff.
But at the pyramids its just the other way around.
That should tell a lot to a open mind.

Just my two cents

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