who's weed is stronger: englands or the U.S.A?


Well-Known Member
so i'm thinkin bout movin back 2 england, i really miss being a londener florida just aint me i hate the weather but the plants love it.

now back to the question who's do u think is stronger: it seems that england may have the upper hand in smuggling cuzx they are right next 2 holland and amsterdam netherlands etc. but with places like cali and canada there is still alotta potential here? and unfortuntely i never got to smoke when i lived there but the pics my friends have been sending me pics of some real frostly lookin weed but ere there is alotta schawg and we have great growing seasos if u can avoid bugs. england get more light however at the start of the summer i remember there being like 15 hours of light (no joke i was out all day then my mom got mad lol).

i know how i'm gonna live there and i'm so homesick i constantly find myself on googlemaps overlooking the city

so whos do u think is stronger?


Well-Known Member
never liked the fights over whose is better with all the countries. Pointless, theres some areas that have great weed in every country.
Its just like in sports, at the end everybody thinks their team is the best.


Well-Known Member
bud is grown everywhere,
shit the desert could have that official shit that makes u pass out np.


Well-Known Member
it seems that england may have the upper hand in smuggling cuzx they are right next 2 holland and amsterdam netherlands etc.
John House, the Chief Superintendent of South Yorkshire Police, said: "Cannabis production in this country is rising exponentially. We used to be a net importer of cannabis from places like Morocco, but there are indications that we are now starting to export cannabis."

Reclassification of cannabis 'fuels youth crime wave' - Crime, UK - The Independent


Well-Known Member
its not to do with its country of origin if i grew some weed indoors keeping the same conditions as someone in Cali the weed would be the same


Well-Known Member
I have got one word for you .................soapbar...........the brits cant even remember what chronic looks like


Well-Known Member
the western u.s. has the best weed in the world.

the east coast is different.

largest cash crop in the country is marijuana.

stay high.



Well-Known Member
I can't say what's stronger, because I have only smoked once in this country- and of course it was adulterated with tobacco, ewww! It really wasn't very strong. I will say that there has been over the past 12 months a wave of reefer madness. The powers that be are capitulating on their decision to reclassify to Class C and are trying to get it to Class B again. It's all because of the "killer skunk". Supposedly the A&Es are being flooded with psychotic teenagers. Right. Of course it's all BS. Something like 25% of people under 25 smoke regularly, so I guess they'll change the law in 25 years when they're in office.


Well-Known Member
just because of numbers, the US has it. we just have so many more people growing so much more weed, the odds are tremendously in our favor to have the strongest herb.

besides, we have fdd.


Well-Known Member
lol i just don't want togo back to some swag i wanted to make sure lol the fact that england is starting to export rose an eyebrow tho (looks like r smugglers r movin up in the world lol)
and yeah i heard about soapbar i would never put that crap in my body eww it sounds terrible but i guess i should rephrase the question: "WHO HAS A WIDER AVAILABILITY OF DANK?" and i guess ii should ask this too: "percentage wise, who has less swag?"
and yeh here in the US "in fdd we trust"


Well-Known Member
man you guys are all twisted its got fuck all to do with the country its grown in its the conditions its grown in, which can be replicated in house in any country the world over


Well-Known Member
man you guys are all twisted its got fuck all to do with the country its grown in its the conditions its grown in, which can be replicated in house in any country the world over

True. Very true, but this whole thread is between USA and England, not random house numba 1 and random house numba 2.


Well-Known Member
True. Very true, but this whole thread is between USA and England, not random house numba 1 and random house numba 2.
well in that case id say, that you can find weed of high quality anywhere either england or usa but for amount of choice and for overall quantity of high grade weed USA will win because of the medical cannabis states and the fact that america is huge compared to england.

OP yeah man keep AWAY from soaps i got a 1/4 of the stuff 2 weeks ago cause there was no weed, i threw half of it away because it was that bad, and i was ill as fuck the next day coughing blood and shit.