Scam Baiting - Its all the rage !

I would advise against this kind of interaction with these obvious scams. Sooner or later they figure it out and I would not want a pissed off nigerian that works for some international crime ring knowing my email address or worse IP address.
I would advise against this kind of interaction with these obvious scams. Sooner or later they figure it out and I would not want a pissed off nigerian that works for some international crime ring knowing my email address or worse IP address.
I think a nigerian hit man might just stand out a bit in my neighborhood/town/state.
But seriously - - - a hitman?
I'll take the risk.
The Avatar of TheGreatWhiteNorth was the best alblum of the Southern Rock Groups........Saw Molly 2 times and was well worth it.
Ever wonder why all these assholes come from nigeria? Why are there no swedish scammers? Are all nigerians just raised to be assholes?
Well, my suspicions were confirmed, the slime ball is continuing with the scam even after I played the innocent and loving humanitarian - check out a portion of this mornings e-mail.

Good day Mr.Xxxxx,

I must say that I have enormous respect for you considering the manner in which I have made contact with you. We never know when life is about to shower us with good fortune, however we spend so much time wishing that life does. The uniqueness of your name has made it possible for us to come together and share some decent money. Lets move forward and making good use of this life opportunity.I am impressed at your work in Haiti and i look forward to assisting you in this good work when we conclude.

In everything one does with another there must be a meeting of minds. Without us both seeing and assessing the situation through the same lenses there cannot and will never be success or progress. So as we say in Chinese, thoroughness is what is needed here. I need for you to obey my every instruction and do exactly as I say. You must let me direct this project for us to have success. This is non negotiable. It is when there is no leadership and no meeting of minds that there are problems.

This guy is a piece of shit & deserves to be fucked with, so here's an assignment for you more creative types (Pony, I'm speaking in your direction) - give me some ideas to drag this out & jerk this guys string. I'll wait a couple days before I reply just to get him "antsy" and to give time for you, my cohorts to help me come up with an almost believable next chapter.

This is getting fun !

FOr one thing he is playing the ALFA MALE roll to the hilt................quote I need for you to obey my every instruction and do exactly as I say unqoute.....................Id be a sub and let him think he is in control and whimper and whine and agree with shit....but come across as a sub........let him be the master or so he can work with that angle and see..........not like it will be the last one you will get.........experiment............but in the end nail the bastard.........
ack why me LOL....ok let me give it some thought and ill come up with sometihg LOL
Cause the bit about being the "Pussy mister" in a porn flick indicates you have an oddly twisted sense of humor - makes you a perfect fit. Give it some time & see what you can come up with.
Tell him you want him to hand write you a word for word copy of "The Da vinci code" to be sure he is serious in his business ventures.
LOL i love how he says u have a unique name:bigjoint:

u should make him think your really into giving him the money, then after like a month of him working the case, mention u work for the american government haha. he would probly just stop emailing u though

edit: oops i forgot u were supposed to be the Haiti humanitarian