Trouble cooling 4 1000watt hps!

Ok Nevin I'm going to take a stab at this real quick and help the best I can

The mini splits have two parts the condenser (the part with the fan that sits on the floor) and the evaporator (the part hanging in the tent)

1. Where is the condenser located in relation to the tent

2. Who installed and charged your a/c units
The opticlimate makes cold air and hot water; my new dual circuit chiller makes both hot and cold running water. This is better for me, as I can now route both circuits to anywhere hot or cold is needed, and still achieve optimal efficiency.
Are the Opticlimates available in north america now? When i was looking at them they werent...
Are the Opticlimates available in north america now? When i was looking at them they werent...

Just curious. I was looking at em but i got all dialled in without. But if i was to go with a second room... might be tempted to one to run both.... the all in one heat/cool is appealing...
Get rid of ur aluminum "T" or elbow, its causing all ur problems. Air cant flow through a "T" well at all. For this you need a "Y" splitter, and make sure it's put in the correct way. U just need to re-route your ducting into one smooth flowing direction, with soft bends. The Tee or elbow is causing the heated air to get trapped and stagnant. So it just sits there, while the rest just goes around and around. Your last hood is left there sitting without any substantial airflow. So it keeps building up the heat. Reroute your ducting into a smooth "U" shape, or get 2 "Y" splitters and split them in front and behind the hoods, with a blower at both ends. Be sure that both blowers are blowing air in the right direction. And makes sure that you have a blower at both ends of the tent.
Get rid of ur aluminum "T" or elbow, its causing all ur problems. Air cant flow through a "T" well at all. For this you need a "Y" splitter, and make sure it's put in the correct way. U just need to re-route your ducting into one smooth flowing direction, with soft bends. The Tee or elbow is causing the heated air to get trapped and stagnant. So it just sits there, while the rest just goes around and around. Your last hood is left there sitting without any substantial airflow. So it keeps building up the heat. Reroute your ducting into a smooth "U" shape, or get 2 "Y" splitters and split them in front and behind the hoods, with a blower at both ends. Be sure that both blowers are blowing air in the right direction. And makes sure that you have a blower at both ends of the tent.

I second this. Your airflow isn't going in any one direction you don't need all of those fans probably just 2 will do fine 1 at the beggining of your lamps and one pulling at the end. Your fans are probably all fighting each other to push air against one another. Take the picture from above and make only 1 entrance and one exit from your hoods. You'll see results instanaeosly. Think about your air like a river you want that shit to flow nice and smoothly and strait down stream or you'll have Rapids. Happy growing