Need help fast to save this

Fast dog

Well-Known Member
image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg 3 weeks into flower 600whps in bat mix using ph water tried flushing tried calmag water don't know what else to do really wanna save it. Happening on all new growth other plants are thriving.


Well-Known Member
get The Amazing Doctor Zymes Destroyer fast and follow the instructions it will kill the bugs that are eating your plants and fast, don't feed them except for a weak kelp, silica mix. .

Fast dog

Well-Known Member
I'm in plagron batmix soil feeding with only of water and I've looked very closely there arnt any bugs and all the other plants are fine I have sprayed with some bug stuff a while ago to rule it out God knows what's going on with it I'm really fucked of


Well-Known Member
are you feeding this plant any nutrients at all ? besides calmag . plant looks like its starving . if this helps great .
Yup, several deficiencies going on here....very hungry.
When you water that plant keep some distance she might bite your hand off!

Are the other plants that are doing well the same strain? Same soil? Same....what ever your doing to this one?

Fast dog

Well-Known Member
No different strains same soil there's enough fert in the soil for 6 weeks I havnt tried feeding I'll try it see if it helps

Fast dog

Well-Known Member
You checked with 100+ X ? Hard to see broad mites with 60x

Every other plant gets the exact feed and water cycle? Does this plant drink slower then the others?
I have can't see any and no this drinks the same and is growing more vigorous the stalk is thicker too