Club 600

Microsoft to help track legalised marijuana sales
Big business is joining the game


Saw something in the news how congress just passed a bill to let federally insured/run banks to finally do business with MJ companies in "recriationalized" <<<(not a real word lol) huh I guess it is) states. Shit is about to get very VERY real. It's happening faster than anyone can imagine. The birth of one of the bigges industries known to man kind is about to bust open.

We've been waiting for this for a very long time. It won't be pretty seeing this whole vibe getting commercialized but but but it needs to and will happen.

Haha God bless, I'm fucked up obviously. Peace love and chicken grease.

Pass the parmesan-

INDISPUTABLE PROOF!!!! Pics or it didn't happen!

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Told y'all. Better straighten up before he/she/it.... Never mind, spaghetti never hur no one :-)


I'm thinking though,,, having velociraptor teeth would make eating pasta very difficult.... Poor fellas. :-)

I can just feel my girlfriends wrath to come in the morning :shock: wish me luck!
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I have alot of love and respect for the risk we've all taken to grow cannabis in such a hostile environment. We have and will continue to risk our lives as we know it for something that we feel is so right, in our hearts. I think we are actually blessed to have this unique experience, and more so the opportunity of a feeling of love and passion for something in our lives- That's is the whole point (and mission) of living.
It is funny to think though,,, without the global prohibition of cannabis the risk and feeling would not exist... So in a sense prohibition made this feeling possible. It is a gift and a curse but this man made man imposed curse should have never happens in the first place. The fact that people can be so ugly,evil, and mean to each other blows me away,,,, it doesn't make sense or feel natural.... That proves that they are an evil lizard reptilian alien race here to destroy us because they are ass holes...

They hate us because they anus.

Jesus lol
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And to think one of the most liberal countries through the decades in relation to mj (The Netherlands) is now kicking people out of their homes for growing more than 5 plants, and restricting grow shops to selling hobby grow gear....try getting a timer for multiple lights for example, "oh, you're commercial, sorry, can't support illegal activities", (they even have notices up in the shops now). My grow shop put fancy little wooden display cabinets in and stupid gardening accessories just to look like a mini garden centre. Fukkin laughable.
They clouds are nice and soft up this high DST, I made a slight edit to my last post by the way, please do read :lol:

Since I was 13 it has been a dream to go to amsteramn, I can see the cobble stone and old arcetecture. Old cities have that magical touch. One of the reasons I love New Orleans so much.
And to think one of the most liberal countries through the decades in relation to mj (The Netherlands) is now kicking people out of their homes for growing more than 5 plants, and restricting grow shops to selling hobby grow gear....try getting a timer for multiple lights for example, "oh, you're commercial, sorry, can't support illegal activities", (they even have notices up in the shops now). My grow shop put fancy little wooden display cabinets in and stupid gardening accessories just to look like a mini garden centre. Fukkin laughable.

Doesn't make sense how a system built on profit and materialism has completely cut themselves off of the cannabis cultivation and consumption industry. It is obviously in someone's interest to deprive people of tha herb mon. Damn bunch of no fun good for nothin debby downers I say. Stop rocking our fucking boat ffs! You jelious unhappy ass holes :-) get a life, I feel bad for you,,, seriously.

I want to stop, but I can't :-)

Sitting on the porch, drinking brews,,,, got a whole cooler full,,, and no fucks given :-) glad I got y'all interwebs people to ramble at! Thanks D.
I know you like the old shit, D, but this is pretty tight.

I'll bump this later when there are no bairns about.:)

EDIT: Just had a great lunch, Yin no 2 screamed his way through it, Yin no 1 announced, "look Dad, a pee on the chair!!" Oh, and shit all the way up my back just to make it that bit more of a tastier lunch.......have fun with the twins whodat:)
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