(CBRN) Chemical, Biological, Radiological & Nuclear


Well-Known Member
Lol. I think you just like being against me in any topic.
Not my fault that you continually assert things that are factually wrong. I was subject to a background investigation. All that shit you did would have precluded me from joining. And certainly would not have allowed me to obtain a security clearance.


Well-Known Member
But your religion also is not an automatic admissions ticket if it conflicts with the req's of the organization
It doesn't. And if they blocked everyone who talked about drugs from Biochemistry, literally no one would be allowed to study it. That's what it's about.


Well-Known Member
Not my fault that you continually assert things that are factually wrong. I was subject to a background investigation. All that shit you did would have precluded me from joining. And certainly would not have allowed me to obtain a security clearance.
I read that it doesn't automatically get you any security clearance either. So that's not even an issue.

Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
It doesn't. And if they blocked everyone who talked about drugs from Biochemistry, literally no one would be allowed to study it. That's what it's about.
You can study shit after you use your GI Bill. If you use drugs, even research chemicals, they will eventually find out, and they will show you how much it conflicts with their regulations.


Well-Known Member
Fin, the military is a whole lot different than my days. They would waive crimes if you would volunteer. This was in the late '60s. They wanted and needed bodies, would take people without any kind of education. Once the draft was eliminated the military became a shit ton more selective


Well-Known Member
Read the Requirments

And search Does prior drug use bar you from CBRN, there's nothing about it.
And there is no record of my prior drug use in any legal record, so I don't even know why it would come up. You are really really reaching. They would literally have to go through my Social Media to even know about it. And if they banned everyone who posted about weed, so many people wouldn't be allowed in the military. It's just not a requirement, you are just making things up to argue.


Well-Known Member
You can study shit after you use your GI Bill. If you use drugs, even research chemicals, they will eventually find out, and they will show you how much it conflicts with their regulations.
I already said, if it seems best not to use anything I won't use anything. But I have literally personally known people who used things like K2 in the military, and nothing happened. So I know people do it.


Well-Known Member
Fin, the military is a whole lot different than my days. They would waive crimes if you would volunteer. This was in the late '60s. They wanted and needed bodies, would take people without any kind of education. Once the draft was eliminated the military became a shit ton more selective
I think you are confused. They are just trying to get anyone they can usually. Again, I knew someone with an illegal weapons charge that he had already been sentenced for, then he had another illegal weapons charge, and his recruiter was talking to him about getting it dropped, and this was like 9 months ago.


Well-Known Member
Read the Requirments

And search Does prior drug use bar you from CBRN, there's nothing about it.
And there is no record of my prior drug use in any legal record, so I don't even know why it would come up. You are really really reaching. They would literally have to go through my Social Media to even know about it. And if they banned everyone who posted about weed, so many people wouldn't be allowed in the military. It's just not a requirement, you are just making things up to argue.
They have people who vet potential enlistees and go through social media. The military is a monolith with certain req's and they don't give a shit nor waste time accepting those that don't fit the model


Well-Known Member
Listen. SRH and I are both vets. I can't speak for him, but I'm pretty sure he's seen what I have regarding knowing many soldiers who were dishonorably discharged for trying to play the game and thinking they could get away with it until they discharged. If you try to get high, especially on research chemicals like 2-CI, Benzofury, K2, etc. you will be dishonorably discharged and you will have a worse time finding a job or getting assistance than any ex-con.
dude im not a vet lol.. im just not an idiot


Well-Known Member
They have people who vet potential enlistees and go through social media. The military is a monolith with certain req's and they don't give a shit nor waste time accepting those that don't fit the model
That's not even true. They try to get people to sign up from jail, I have literally had an ex-Military guard in jail tell me I should join, and I am pretty sure he only said it because he saw how much hair I had, and he was like really telling me I should. But he was Navy.

Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
I already said, if it seems best not to use anything I won't use anything. But I have literally personally known people who used things like K2 in the military, and nothing happened. So I know people do it.
They got lucky. Most don't. You will not, and that is the mindset you should have. You aren't omniscient. You are not untouchable, and what we are trying to tell you is, if you are 100% serious, you have to go into it thinking "I will do what I have to for the person left and right of me, even if it's a temporary sacrifice of my own freedom." In CBRN, I don't think you'll be putting your life on the line, but who knows? You might get a cracked promask.


Well-Known Member
I think you are confused. They are just trying to get anyone they can usually. Again, I knew someone with an illegal weapons charge that he had already been sentenced for, then he had another illegal weapons charge, and his recruiter was talking to him about getting it dropped, and this was like 9 months ago.
He is not confused. You are. You know not of which you speak. I was tracking soviet subs in the cold war before you were born. I was on the ASROC handling team. Even that required a measly secret noforn clearance. Is it your contention I don't know what I'm talking about?