Orlando Shooting another false flag?


Well-Known Member
The conspiracy guy on my site came up with all this stuff I just figured I'd share it with you
Definitely some interesting information I had no idea about. I'm not sure if I ever heard of an emergency room shutting down. That's wild stuff


Well-Known Member
well would ya look at this.

the same guy who thinks it is a good idea to pour boiling water on your plants also buys into an inane and retarded conspiracy theory that the orlando shooting was an elaborate hoax.

how surprising.

stay in school, kids.
Nope, only sharing what some one else found, I don't wear da foil hat LOL


Well-Known Member
They want our fucking guns. Of course it is a false flag event. Unless I see the bodies with the faces matched up and not just some white bundles on a stretcher, I call bullshit.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 3711440
They want our fucking guns. Of course it is a false flag event. Unless I see the bodies with the faces matched up and not just some white bundles on a stretcher, I call bullshit.
Oh for christ sakes! Fine, I'll give you some creds on using this as a political opportunity to enact more gun laws, but you are going into full retard denying that the shooting itself even occurred


Well-Known Member
Oh for christ sakes! Fine, I'll give you some creds on using this as a political opportunity to enact more gun laws, but you are going into full retard denying that the shooting itself even occurred
I want to see bodies. They already show brains being blown out on cable tv, So CNN should be able to show the bodies. Why haven't they yet?