Well-Known Member
Dude, the USA is not the only place with a bill of rights. The usa bill of rights is half gone already.
What a buffoon.
Dude, the USA is not the only place with a bill of rights. The usa bill of rights is half gone already.
Natural laws of weight are also theories of gravity that can only be proven individually through inductive reasoning. It's interesting how speed has such an effect on gravity, such as a space station having almost 100% of earths gravity yet they float?
Lying again...Dude, the USA is not the only place with a bill of rights. The usa bill of rights is half gone already.
What a buffoon.
"Debt to slavery"?! you even hear/see yourself? This guy says "hi" -
View attachment 3712202
It's 'unfortunate' that you weren't around in the pop might have helped you along with a Browning shot or three...
Lying again...
keep practicing, maybe you'll get better at it...
For what calling a spade a spade?
What a leach !
LOOK up NWAA and patriot act retard, dont you even pay attention?
I learned more in Bus. Law 101 and only got a CName another country which has a bill of rights where the 1st amendment of that bill protects the right to free speech.
Law degree lol.
your boy friend lets you blow him with that mouth?
Name another country which has a bill of rights where the 1st amendment of that bill protects the right to free speech.
Law degree lol.
Most constitutions say it. Yet few observe it.
The patriot act? Where do you live again, fool?
Name just one, bachelor of lol.
To be honest, he offered to blow ME after he saw how engorged my cock was in that pic. I was gonna let him have at it, but he wanted me to dress up like Hitler and yell/kick at him while he gurgled me, so I called him a creep and shut him down...
To be honest, he offered to blow ME after he saw how engorged my cock was in that pic. I was gonna let him have at it, but he wanted me to dress up like Hitler and yell/kick at him while he gurgled me, so I called him a creep and shut him down...