Are you ready for the corporate take over?

I dont know how much faith i put into that article, but if its even slightly true, it would make sense why they passed sb 660. Unfortunately, the commenters are right, in that i dont think ANYONE currently issues or has a prescription for marijuanna...just a recommendation. Regardless, ill never stop growing, wether its for myself, a bigger company, or for other people.
I'm still new. I stopped growing for a while. Now coming back to it. I find that growing helps me as much as the final product. Its a relationship I feel. If you are a pro it might be different. I don't know. My plants have always been friends till the end. So I know the not wanting to stop growing feeling. I have missed it so bad.

I have way too much invested in my op to quit. Unless the guberment will compensate me for all.ive spent. I have receipts. Lol

Well I can understand that. I only pulled my last babies because I bought a gun. Now after many months. My neighbors smoking it up. I know I can get away with it without trouble. I accidently shot my 45 in my condo the other day. Not a soul called the cops. That gun is really loud. They just kept smoking like nothing happened. After that and the severe pain I'm in. I decided to open the garden again. Glad you have a top of the line set up. I'm still going to be playing with CFL's. They work for me. I know there is far better ways to grow.
I have way too much invested in my op to quit. Unless the guberment will compensate me for all.ive spent. I have receipts. Lol
Tbh, its not even about whats invested or money. Its a way of life. I tried the "normal " way and all it got me bitterness accompanied by mounds of debt, with very little personal time.
@9leaves yes, its great. I can be super stressed, lol, hell i can even be super stressed about the grow and legalitys there in of itself, but as soon as i step foot into the rooms its all gone.

Yes I agree. A gun and some mj is major jail time. Probably just going to stick to my pellet riffle. Got a scope and a RED dot for it. They allow it at my range. Once I get the scope zeroed I'm going for the 100 foot shot. The end of the range. At that distance zero pellet drop. Love the crosman F4.
Yea I know. I'm only loading that bitch till I'm at the range. :-?
Stupid shit happens sometimes.
I know anybody in the building will not bug me now. :cool:
Loving that.


  • a.jpe
    6.2 KB · Views: 21
I have no debt, but personal time....what's that? I spend 2+hrs daily in 7 days a week, not counting harvest time, 2x 12hrs days. Sick, injured, or what ever, I still have to attend my garden. I haven't had a day off in 4 yrs.

You serve her she helps you. It all comes full circle. Agreed in the middle of trimming and manicuring it can get nasty painful. I saw what one person does to make that easier. Do the top. Then adjust lights. Let the next level grow more. So on. I might try that. See if I can turn b buds into all a's.
This article is complete bullshit. Even if the feds re scheduled it the FDA would still have to conduct double blind studies and all that jazz taking years and who know what there result will be.

I think the medical cannabis movent did it the wrong way we should have made laws in every state Constitution based on the ideas of the free right to cultivate any crop and use for medicinal or other uses. You think they just want to stop you from growing weed think again. The right to cultivate is a basic human right especially on private property.
Yea I know. I'm only loading that bitch till I'm at the range. :-?
Stupid shit happens sometimes.
I know anybody in the building will not bug me now. :cool:
Loving that.
Stupid shit only happens with stupid fucking people and to brush off discharging a firearm indoors let alone in an apartment building is really fucking stupid. Did you even check to make sure you didn't hit anyone? Dosent sound like it. If your too stupid to keep your trigger finger discipline you are probably to stupid to grow cannabis and not go to jail.
I don't really have lower buds, I lollipop heavily up to week 2. I did axe my biological RA injections meds.from.dosing 1g cbd daily.for.last 6 months. No RA issues in all that time.
Here it comes.

The only good I see coming from this is Cannabis studies will be easier to start.

My predictions are that Marijuana arrests will go up instead of down.
Dispensaries will be busted so they can pave the way for PPS.
Snyder will try to get rid of personal grow rights and caregivers.

the same thing has Already happened with licensed medical producers from health canada. They have the medical market, but once the recreational market opens up.