Is the World Flat? The Flatlander's theory..

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Well-Known Member
I appreciate your input, and I appreciate you thoughts and advice. I will try to be more tactful.

What drives me crazy is the double standard. It is ok to for everybody to call me an evil vile scum Nazi because I admire Hitler who supposedly killed 6 million Jews but really did not, but when I point out that the Jews in power murdered 50 million Christians I am called an evil antisemite. I disagree though and believe it is ok to point out who the people doing are that are doing the'' shady shit,'' whoever they may be, even if they are Jews. The problem is is that, on each "shady shit deal", after digging a little it is almost always the Jews behind it. I believe they are much more than a religion. They are a very tight knit group of people who share the same religion is what I think. Maybe if more people started pointing the finger, word will get back to their leaders that they better stop doing the " shady shit". If people never call them out on it then what motivation do they have to knock it off? They are murdering Palestinians constantly, they murdered 50 million people in the Ucraine. The jewish Supreme Court have allowed our bill of rights to be taken away. Jews who constitute 2% of the population contribute 62% of the campaign finance money effectively buying all the politicians. So democracy has been perverted and most Americans have been disenfranchised politically. I Can go on and on. The shady shit will not stop until people start calling them out on their shady shit, is my thoughts on the situation. thanks for listening. I know it is politically incorrect but at this point so is anything that goes against the establishment that has allowed things to get so fucked up.
Yes. But then you start with jew scum never again all in caps bullshit, and trying to rewrite the laws of physics whilst calling everybody an indoctrinated slave when they try and answer the questions you're asking. That, I think, is where you went wrong.

*^^This was not meant in agreement, merely explanation!


Well-Known Member
I appreciate your input, and I appreciate you thoughts and advice. I will try to be more tactful.

What drives me crazy is the double standard. It is ok to for everybody to call me an evil vile scum Nazi because I admire Hitler who supposedly killed 6 million Jews but really did not, but when I point out that the Jews in power murdered 50 million Christians I am called an evil antisemite. I disagree though and believe it is ok to point out who the people doing are that are doing the'' shady shit,'' whoever they may be, even if they are Jews. The problem is is that, on each "shady shit deal", after digging a little it is almost always the Jews behind it. I believe they are much more than a religion. They are a very tight knit group of people who share the same religion is what I think. Maybe if more people started pointing the finger, word will get back to their leaders that they better stop doing the " shady shit". If people never call them out on it then what motivation do they have to knock it off? They are murdering Palestinians constantly, they murdered 50 million people in the Ucraine. The jewish Supreme Court have allowed our bill of rights to be taken away. Jews who constitute 2% of the population contribute 62% of the campaign finance money effectively buying all the politicians. So democracy has been perverted and most Americans have been disenfranchised politically. I Can go on and on. The shady shit will not stop until people start calling them out on their shady shit, is my thoughts on the situation. thanks for listening. I know it is politically incorrect but at this point so is anything that goes against the establishment that has allowed things to get so fucked up.

guaranteed stupid though


Well-Known Member
Yes. But then you start with jew scum never again all in caps bullshit, and trying to rewrite the laws of physics whilst calling everybody an indoctrinated slave when they try and answer the questions you're asking. That, I think, is where you went wrong.

*^^This was not meant in agreement, merely explanation!
Ok I see what you mean, I was putting it over the top to try to point out the double standard, sometimes things like sarcasm don;t come off to good in writing as they do in speech. I was trying to put the nazi shoe on the jew foot. I will try to avoid the words indoctrinated agreed. Thanks for the constructive criticism.

PS: Silverstein doubling the insurance and then insisting on double indemnity in case of terror attack is one of those smoking guns I was talking about. He speaks with Netanyahu every Sunday.


Well-Known Member
Shel Silverstein?
No, Lucky Larry ;Silverstein, a month bofore the attacks he changed the insurance and ended up getting quadruple more than the previous insurance policy on the towers. He bought the towers three months before the event with a very low down payment. Why has he not been waterboarded yet?


Well-Known Member
Wouldn't that depend on the lay of the land? Seems to me that you're implying that the earth is as a marble is in terms of its perfect roundness.

Re: wobble. If you were to slow the wobble, how would that star look?
That's a valid objection, maybe that could be a flat trough right? The problem is the oceans are flat. The Navy uses a laser guided missile system. Lasers are line of sight. They would not work on a ball earth.
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