Is the World Flat? The Flatlander's theory..

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Well-Known Member
The moon's distance from the earth varies by 13,000 miles.

The moon is not larger when viewed on the horizon. It just seems that way.

Where's the goddam mystery? You are confused by very simple aspects of science.

And given that you are a lubed nutjob with the bullshit friends on youtube, it's really your fucking job to explain, not anyone else's.

The fact that you and your similarly mentally paralyzed loser friends exchange complete nonesense in chatrooms doesn't mean any reasonably educated mind should play along with you.

And as far as you being educated past the 12th grade, I formally call bullshit. You can't go thru 4 years of higher education such such a preposterously out of whack mind.
So there is a 6% variation in the distance yet what we see here is a moon that appears 400% larger at times. It should be a barely noticeable difference for a 6% variation in distance. We see something much greater than that.


Well-Known Member
Jerry Seinfeld lookin ass jews. Always trying to sell me bagels. Might as well be a pentagram on their flag. Lying to take our money ass jews. Murdered Anne Frank and blamed it on the nazi's ass jews. Mass shooting because of the dilemma of free ham ass jews. big noses and funny hats ass jews. Stole our country ass jews. Hitler gave em their own communities and they still aren't grateful ass jews. Lying about space ass jews the planet is obviously flat ass jews. Uncle buck ass jews . Trolling the real christians for a paycheck ass jews. the earth aint a dreidel ass jews. But for real though the noses on those bastards.
"fucking hockey puck...learn to work the wife has so much jewelry, she can't keep her head up...careful, you're going to fall down into your pants...
Are you OK? I spoke to the family, you're doing well..."
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