Veg time vs. yeild


Active Member
All things being equal, which they never are, but lets assume that they are for the sake of argument.

Is yield in direct proportion for veg time?

For instance will a plant that veg's for 3 months yield double to that of a plant that veg's for 1.5 months?


Active Member

I had not finished building my flower lights, so I did an almost 3 month veg. I think by the time they are fully flowered, the plants will be too big for the room that they are in. They already seem too big for the room and I just put them in there.

This is my first grow, so I was trying to figure out if I could veg them next time for half the time and get half the yield. Sounds like there is no formula for this.

ganga gurl420

Well-Known Member

I had not finished building my flower lights, so I did an almost 3 month veg. I think by the time they are fully flowered, the plants will be too big for the room that they are in. They already seem too big for the room and I just put them in there.

This is my first grow, so I was trying to figure out if I could veg them next time for half the time and get half the yield. Sounds like there is no formula for this.
As far as indoors goes....a good rule of thumb is to flip the lights when your plants are half the desired size. Some strains double in height. But if you prune and train the plants well they will stay short and bushy and then with a longer veg you will produce more. Of course....there are a lot of variables involved.


Well-Known Member
It depends on a lot of things besides genetics too. For instance say you keep two plants real healthy for 2 months and put one in flower. Then the other starts to become unhealthy by month 3.5and worse by month 4 then you flower it, the less vegged plant would yield more I'd expect.
Generally I veg for 3-4 weeks then flower small plants in perpetual cycles. I notice with the strains I keep around all the time I yield 15-25% more with an extra three week veg. I'm sure some people see more of increase as my space isn't perfect and my methods are far from perfect but that's what I see from longer veg.


Well-Known Member
I'd guess every additional 30 days of veg will double your yield, on average. Definitely more exponential than straight line, at least outdoors where space isn't limited.


Well-Known Member
Yea I think indoors is the opposite, diminishing returns. You can really only fill the canopy so much I think before the plant starts needing more than your light can give it. My experiences with over-vegging have been pretty negative so far lol, I avoid it now...


Well-Known Member
As far as indoors goes....a good rule of thumb is to flip the lights when your plants are half the desired size. Some strains double in height. But if you prune and train the plants well they will stay short and bushy and then with a longer veg you will produce more. Of course....there are a lot of variables involved.
Be careful that stretch can easily be triple instead of double if ur veging long training is a must believe me I'm struggling right now from lack of training on a 8 week veg