Grow Software


Well-Known Member
You don't need no stinking humans! Use neural networks as your decision makers. That way they can make "fuzzy" decisions based on your respective ANN's training.


Active Member
I use a spread sheet to keep info on all my clones. Like; mother, cloned date, veg pot date, flower pot date days in veg height at time I put it to flower, date I should flush and the date I actually do flush, and so no…. I don't know but maybe something like that would be useful to more people.


Well-Known Member
I have been hoping for something like this, but I'm too lazy to do it myself.

Can you add x10 control with firecracker support as well as simple inexpensive relay support and make it cheap too so it's actually of use to those that don't have $1000's to spend on similar other products?

I would still check my grow every day, in person or remotely, but it would sure be nice for many reasons to have something automated. I'd trust a computer with my grow, provided you still watch over it somehow.


Well-Known Member
i saw an automated hydro system already, they have one at Disney in FL and its fucking amazing, i wanted to jump off and throw a buch of bagseeds in the mediums lolololol


Well-Known Member
i saw an automated hydro system already, they have one at Disney in FL and its fucking amazing, i wanted to jump off and throw a buch of bagseeds in the mediums lolololol
what was it that made it so amazing? details please! you really should have landed a few seeds in there.