Well-Known Member
You know what I found amazing, was how much media attention that dipshit McCain got compared to the other Republican Candidates (Ron Paul, Romney and Huckabee). The best of the candidates was probably Ron Paul, who can only be described as a depends on the kind of government. communism doesnt exactly mean they control you 100%. lol its not like the book anthem by Ayn Rand (which is a hell of a book btw) My parents grew up in soviet union. My mom loved basketball and went to college for it. my dad wanted to be a doctor even though he was on the olympic team so he went to college for that. There is still some comptetion. And theres more corruption than you think. They just make it seem like its hell on Earth ( thanks to the cold war),
The problem was pay. My dad made only a few more bucks than janitors and construction workers. The whole common good thing...
I personally think America would be way better off with a government with a philosophy of Ron Paul's type. Hands off. Competition and commercialism makes for better advances and production. Just my opinion. Too bad too many people are babies and think we should rely on the government more.
Sorry Ron paul... I would have voted for you
Replacement of Income Taxes with a National Retail Sales Tax
Return to the Gold Standard
Withdrawal from Iraq (I disagree but that's because I think since we are there we ought to finish the job.)
And he thought that Environmentalism was BS
No Socialized Medicine
4/5, versus 0/5 for McCain and Obama. Of the Republican Candidates Ron Paul was probably the best, McCain was just the Media's biotch, I wonder how much cock he sucked to get them to support him.