dynamite...what do you think?


Well-Known Member
it depends what you want, wait longer for stonier couch lock ganja or harvest sooner for a head high. they look dank though


Well-Known Member
ya thanks, ill be sure to let him know. the description of the strain says 6-7 weeks, but if left longer purple and pink starts to come out, how long does it take for a flowering plant to overripen??

mr thc

Well-Known Member
the hairs turn amber at perfect ...and when I say perfect I don't mean ideal stone, I just mean, speaking in gardening...fruit terms, or whatever, that they will be as potent as possible with the highest thc content and when the hairs all turn a burgandy or even darker in some strains then you've waited too long. It's still weed, but I don't think you'll appreciate as much..If I were your friend, and this is just me, but I would harvest when the trichomes are a milky colour, because I prefer the head high. Ask him if he wants to go to bed or actually make something of his impairement, and if it's option #2 then maybe go with my desired harvest time. To each his own though, and a couch lock is better for medicinal users.


Well-Known Member
the hairs turn amber at perfect ...and when I say perfect I don't mean ideal stone, I just mean, speaking in gardening...fruit terms, or whatever, that they will be as potent as possible with the highest thc content and when the hairs all turn a burgandy or even darker in some strains then you've waited too long. It's still weed, but I don't think you'll appreciate as much..If I were your friend, and this is just me, but I would harvest when the trichomes are a milky colour, because I prefer the head high. Ask him if he wants to go to bed or actually make something of his impairement, and if it's option #2 then maybe go with my desired harvest time. To each his own though, and a couch lock is better for medicinal users.
hmmmm very interesting. i know he was planning on waiting for a bit because the strain description says if you leave it for a bit longer you start to see pink and a lot of purple, but he is concerned about leaving it to long.

judging on the pics posted, how far along percentage wise(%) would you say the amber hairs are?

and why do you say it wouldnt be enjoyable once all the hairs turn amber?? what qualities and traits does it take away from your smoke if you leave it that long??

thanks a lot tho, i appriciate the help!!


Well-Known Member
You really should be focused on the trichromes.

When they are 50 percent milky you'll have the highest thc percentage...

If you wait till they're all cloudy you'll have more CBN, makes you sleepy.

The purple usually has to do with cooler outdoor climates, doesn't make it taste any better, or get you more stoned.

If most of the trichromes are cloudy, and 50 percent are milky harvest, not all the plants will finish on the same day.

After some experience, your friend, ehhem bullshit, will know what to look for those last couple days... Looks like they're close.


Well-Known Member
not 50% milky. you meant 50% amber didn't you? Cloudy=milky. 1/2 milky 1/2 amber is what your shooting for ideally IMO.


Well-Known Member
not 50% milky. you meant 50% amber didn't you? Cloudy=milky. 1/2 milky 1/2 amber is what your shooting for ideally IMO.
Yep, overtoked i guess. I meant, if you're 1/2 milky 1/2 amber, it's time to harvest...

You're opinion is like mine.

Haven't heard from you in a while nodrama


Well-Known Member
You really should be focused on the trichromes.

When they are 50 percent milky you'll have the highest thc percentage...

If you wait till they're all cloudy you'll have more CBN, makes you sleepy.

The purple usually has to do with cooler outdoor climates, doesn't make it taste any better, or get you more stoned.

If most of the trichromes are cloudy, and 50 percent are milky harvest, not all the plants will finish on the same day.

After some experience, your friend, ehhem bullshit, will know what to look for those last couple days... Looks like they're close.
so all white hairs is a nice head high, and all the hairs turned amber will put you to sleep basicaly? and is it really 50/50 the average time to harvest, i heard it was at peak time when the hairs were 75% amber?

this advice is very helpful tho guys, much appriciated.

and this is going to sound super stupid or maybe we are just blind, but all the trichromes look the same color?? do i have to use a magnifying glass or something?


Well-Known Member
After some experience, your friend, ehhem bullshit, will know what to look for those last couple days... Looks like they're close.[/quote]

LOL!!! thats good, ill definatly give you rep points for that one lol

and in your "professional" opinion how many more days would you chop them in?


Well-Known Member
Sorry it took me a while to get back to you.

It really does look close, like in the next three days you should notice the trichromes (tiny crystals) will look more opaque (not clear) like a foggy window, time to harvest when most of the plant looks like this...

Most of the pistols (hairs) will be ambering... It looks like there's new growth still showing, many reasons this can happen, a plant's not finishing properly. Don't worry about the bits of new growth, research how to finish on your next grow... Less nutes, less light... focus on the main bud.

You said the strain was a 45-50 day one, so it should be coming down in that time period, they look like they don't have any problems.

Thanks for the rep... Nobody has this much interest in a "friends" garden. Ansy.


Well-Known Member
Sorry it took me a while to get back to you.

It really does look close, like in the next three days you should notice the trichromes (tiny crystals) will look more opaque (not clear) like a foggy window, time to harvest when most of the plant looks like this...

Most of the pistols (hairs) will be ambering... It looks like there's new growth still showing, many reasons this can happen, a plant's not finishing properly. Don't worry about the bits of new growth, research how to finish on your next grow... Less nutes, less light... focus on the main bud.

You said the strain was a 45-50 day one, so it should be coming down in that time period, they look like they don't have any problems.

Thanks for the rep... Nobody has this much interest in a "friends" garden. Ansy.
dude you can tell im a newbie!! i never knew there was so much to look for, i thought it was put it in your pot change your lighting and harvest and enjoy, clearly i was wrong.

so i ahve afew more newbie questions for you, and ill probaly look and feel stupid by asking this but the way i figure it i wont learn if i dont ask so please bear with me.

the trichromes i should be looking at are on the leaves around the buds or on the bud itself? you must have eyes like a hawk because i cant really notice any difference in the milkiness, but then again i probaly dont know what to look for, so if you could walk me threw that id be really gratefull.

also where do you see the new growth? again im to new to see it. also with regards to the hairs ambering, does it matter how many of them amber or not? like once i know what to look for with the trichrome milkiness, would it matter if you harvest your plant while some of the hairs are still white?

and last but not least and this is for everyone out there to...where do you guys get your info from...and where is a good source (other then here obviously) to research and educate myself further??


Well-Known Member
Okay, the trichromes are all over the little leaves on the top, and the calyxes (buds, where the 'hair' comes from) these are what contain THC (delta9 tetrahydracannibinol) which contains psychoactive elements(what gets you high)

After a couple times growing, it will look like clear to white when they start to change.

If you need a pic of a trichrome under a magnifying glass google trichrome.

You've done a great job for your first time...

If you want constructive criticism, that's what I'll give, I'm being nice so I hope nobody else thinks I'm being harsh to great plants, they are better than a lot I've seen on here...

There's new growth coming out the tops, where the white hairs are... They aren't finishing properly and still tring to grow...

The fan leaves towards the top are dark and waxy, over fertilized (unless you sprayed them with neem oil...) Also the leaves near the bud are quite dark and waxy. This would be a good reason they haven't finished...

Have you flushed them?

(Run plain water through them)

If not do it asap, run the same amount of water through as the pot size, 1 gal for 1 gal pot, some say more, some say less, (I use less) but in your case overflushing couldn't hurt since they're so close.

I've gotten tips here and there from other growers.

I started by reading advanced marijuana horticulture back in high school... 350 pages of classic 70's techniques, basically the FFA manual (future farmers of america)

There are a couple other books that I learned the basics of indoor growing from... But really just trial and error, I've been growing large scale for 6 years.


Well-Known Member
You've done a great job for your first time...

If you want constructive criticism, that's what I'll give, I'm being nice so I hope nobody else thinks I'm being harsh to great plants, they are better than a lot I've seen on here...

There's new growth coming out the tops, where the white hairs are... They aren't finishing properly and still tring to grow...

The fan leaves towards the top are dark and waxy, over fertilized (unless you sprayed them with neem oil...) Also the leaves near the bud are quite dark and waxy. This would be a good reason they haven't finished...

Have you flushed them?

(Run plain water through them)

If not do it asap, run the same amount of water through as the pot size, 1 gal for 1 gal pot, some say more, some say less, (I use less) but in your case overflushing couldn't hurt since they're so close.

thanks a lot bro, im happy to hear that. i wasnt sure if they were doing that great, beause im using a MH and the buds arent what you would call big lol.
i LOVE contructive criticism, thats how i am going to learn so i appriciate that to.
so with the new growth and the white hairs trying to grow still, how will that affect the outcome??:?: and should iw ait untill all the hairs are brown to chop er? or does it not matter how many hairs are white and brown????

i havent flushed them yet, just gave them their last nute yesterday morning, and i was gonna wait till tomorow to start flushing them, i ahve something called Flora Kleen, ever heard of it??
seriously thanks for your patience +rep for you again:clap:


Well-Known Member
Is he growing in soil or hyro? Is he planning a flush?
its soil. and yes on the flush, ever heard of Flora Kleen? its a flushing supplemnet you add to water. how many times should they be flushed, and wats your opinion on the questions i asked normlpothead above???