Gavita Sold To Hawthorne Group

they just wanted to get rid of Jair. he party's like a rock star too much. That's pretty much the reason for the sale. I find it funny they call it a partnership on their site. They went with the subsidiary of general hydro instead of directly with scotts . I don't know if that's a tax thing or a reputation thing. Either way all you have to do is Google hawthorne gardening it comes up who owns what pretty quick
Gen hydro and gavitas?

They couldn't dump enough poison on our corn so the answer is to grow it all indoors? bongsmilie
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guys, please... first of all Scotts is not Monsanto. Neither does Monsanto own Scotts. HGC is a subsidiary of Scotts. HGC took a 75% interest in Gavita. Scotts merely has the marketing rights for roundup in the gardening market. There is no involvement of Monsanto whatsoever. To say Monsanto owns Gavita is like saying Apple owns Microsoft. That is simply not true.

Furthermore: We did not need HGC just for the money. We are a very healthy organisation with a TO in excess of 100 million USD with double digit grow figures, so big money is not the issue either . However, we have grown really fast over the last few years and being part of a group of A-brands opens some doors a lot quicker, helps us to enter markets faster and enables us to expedite our development programs a lot faster. Also, it helps structuring our company a lot faster as we are still growing very fast and need to localize our business. This will result in more local service and support for our horticultural customers, but also for our retailers and end users world wide.

25% of the shares are still in the hands of the Dutch management and they will remain at the helm, which is logical as HGC nor Scotts have a background in horticultural lighting. So we see only very positive developments as we will be able to have a faster time to market and even better products with better support.

As for Jair: Why would we want to get rid of Jair? Jair is responsible for our US sales and he is a shareholder. It would be really stupid to get rid of Jair :-) If we ever wanted to get rid of Jair there would be much easier methods than to partner up with HGC don't you think? Come on guys, less testosterone, more common sense ;)
Pushing poison to the public makes them just as evil as Monsanto. bongsmilie

But they do have great commercials about getting rid of your weeds... :hump:
guys, please... first of all Scotts is not Monsanto. Neither does Monsanto own Scotts. HGC is a subsidiary of Scotts. HGC took a 75% interest in Gavita. Scotts merely has the marketing rights for roundup in the gardening market. There is no involvement of Monsanto whatsoever. To say Monsanto owns Gavita is like saying Apple owns Microsoft. That is simply not true.

Furthermore: We did not need HGC just for the money. We are a very healthy organisation with a TO in excess of 100 million USD with double digit grow figures, so big money is not the issue either . However, we have grown really fast over the last few years and being part of a group of A-brands opens some doors a lot quicker, helps us to enter markets faster and enables us to expedite our development programs a lot faster. Also, it helps structuring our company a lot faster as we are still growing very fast and need to localize our business. This will result in more local service and support for our horticultural customers, but also for our retailers and end users world wide.

25% of the shares are still in the hands of the Dutch management and they will remain at the helm, which is logical as HGC nor Scotts have a background in horticultural lighting. So we see only very positive developments as we will be able to have a faster time to market and even better products with better support.

As for Jair: Why would we want to get rid of Jair? Jair is responsible for our US sales and he is a shareholder. It would be really stupid to get rid of Jair :-) If we ever wanted to get rid of Jair there would be much easier methods than to partner up with HGC don't you think? Come on guys, less testosterone, more common sense ;)

Thank you for your perspective. Your insights have been valuable over the years.
Monsanto is fucking evil,I quit buying anything GH after they bought them.

might have to scratch off Bayer products soon too

Roundup ready cannabis?

Don't forget no re-seeding!ha

GMO is nothing new, golden rice was developed decades ago and has saved millions of children's eyesight's not all pure evil, yet:)

guys, please... first of all Scotts is not Monsanto. Neither does Monsanto own Scotts. HGC is a subsidiary of Scotts. HGC took a 75% interest in Gavita. Scotts merely has the marketing rights for roundup in the gardening market. There is no involvement of Monsanto whatsoever. To say Monsanto owns Gavita is like saying Apple owns Microsoft. That is simply not true.

Furthermore: We did not need HGC just for the money. We are a very healthy organisation with a TO in excess of 100 million USD with double digit grow figures, so big money is not the issue either . However, we have grown really fast over the last few years and being part of a group of A-brands opens some doors a lot quicker, helps us to enter markets faster and enables us to expedite our development programs a lot faster. Also, it helps structuring our company a lot faster as we are still growing very fast and need to localize our business. This will result in more local service and support for our horticultural customers, but also for our retailers and end users world wide.

25% of the shares are still in the hands of the Dutch management and they will remain at the helm, which is logical as HGC nor Scotts have a background in horticultural lighting. So we see only very positive developments as we will be able to have a faster time to market and even better products with better support.

As for Jair: Why would we want to get rid of Jair? Jair is responsible for our US sales and he is a shareholder. It would be really stupid to get rid of Jair :-) If we ever wanted to get rid of Jair there would be much easier methods than to partner up with HGC don't you think? Come on guys, less testosterone, more common sense ;)

Who doesn't like Jair? he's a good salesmen! :mrgreen:..................long time no see, how are you doing? how was greentech? anything exciting other than the de-leafing robot? lol
Why the interest in gavita though? Something in the works to rival led's efficiency?

Or... master evil plan. Lobby to keep cannabis in the hands of big business/big pharma only, develop GMO cannabis that only grows to a DE Hps spectrum and requires a specific general hydro formula, and more lobbying/suing to make GMO cannabis the only cannabis.
Monsanto tried a few years ago with their company western bio ag. The real bio ag sued them from copy right infringement and won. Monsanto western bio ag was kicked out of the boston maxum yield expo and banned from all of them.

Monsanto is pure evil. Don't forget they have been around for a 100 years and they made most of their money from war profiteering. They're a chemical weapons company. They had a hand in the nazis trying to Wipeout the Jews via ddt . to this day they still make nuclear weapons. plus all the other chemical weapons they made.

They're also responsibly for the growth hormones and antibiotics in farm animals

they're responsible for all the pollution caused by petroleum based fertilizers they make.

I can go on and on.
I was talking with a Winery owner in Sonoma over the weekend. He is 90 years old and worked for Monsanto for 40 years. He actually worked in Monsanto's horticultural LED department in 1982. At the time, they believed that in 5 years, all greenhouses would be lit by LED. Fast forward 30 years later, lol.

We know Gavita has had LED products and development for at least the past 2 years, and Monsanto for decades. It will be very interesting to see what comes of this acquisition.

Or perhaps they will keep sand bagging consumers so that a superior LED product does not hurt sales of the existing HPS line.
