Thai Stick Leaf Question..

Yo, I've always wanted to make a Thai stick ever since I first saw a pic of one. I've got a few plants growing atm and was wondering If I could gather the leaves for the stick now and cure/preserve them for a good four months til I end up actually rolling the thing. Is this ok to do and if so how would I go about doing it? I read that you should use leaves that are fresh to roll with and have them dry/cure whilst wrapped around the bud..but that's not an option for me at this point in time sadly. Anyone have any insight? All is appreciated



Well-Known Member
It appears that you don't even really know what a Thai stick is.


As I know them (having grown up in the 70's) Thai sticks are Thai buds that are wrapped around a small stick of bamboo, secured with a bamboo fiber ...and then dipped in opium tea and dried. So, unless you know how to make opium (and are willing to risk prison time) you aren't going to be making any Thai sticks. Other people may give other definitions of what a Thai stick is....but I'm not playing pretend.

If you are talking about rolling a smokable "blunt" wrapped with cannabis leaves, then you could probably do it as long as you used a fresh and pliable leaf. Leaves are going to dry out too much and crumble...Or, they are going to be too wet and will mold. Either way, a leaf-wrap likely won't burn evenly and will make the smoke taste like shitty, green hay. You can try it...but why?

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
It appears that you don't even really know what a Thai stick is.


As I know them (having grown up in the 70's) Thai sticks are Thai buds that are wrapped around a small stick of bamboo, secured with a bamboo fiber ...and then dipped in opium tea and dried. So, unless you know how to make opium (and are willing to risk prison time) you aren't going to be making any Thai sticks. Other people may give other definitions of what a Thai stick is....but I'm not playing pretend.

If you are talking about rolling a smokable "blunt" wrapped with cannabis leaves, then you could probably do it as long as you used a fresh and pliable leaf. Leaves are going to dry out too much and crumble...Or, they are going to be too wet and will mold. Either way, a leaf-wrap likely won't burn evenly and will make the smoke taste like shitty, green hay. You can try it...but why?
Your only half right.

Thai sticks do NOT HAVE TO BE dipped in opium tea to BE a Thai stick...

But you wouldn't listen to anyone who pointed out this truth last time the topic came up either..


Well-Known Member
Your only half right.

Thai sticks do NOT HAVE TO BE dipped in opium tea to BE a Thai stick...

But you wouldn't listen to anyone who pointed out this truth last time the topic came up either..
No, I specifically said, "As I know them..." so as to avoid all that "discussion" again.


Well-Known Member
Besides, the OP is obviously not talking about either of "our" definitions of a Thai stick, anyway. He seems to be referring to a leaf-wrap.
What I meant is a cannabis blunt..magar...thai stick to my knowledge is buds wrapped around bamboo then coated with oil to then be wrapped by cannabis leaves. I won't have the luxury of getting fresh leaves once the bud I'm growing now is all cured which will be as I said a few months from now. It seems this dream will have to wait a few years UNLESS I leave a few bottom buds for a week after chop and retrieve them to wrap the uncured but dried bud in to dry together? I dunno..but I'm going to try it. Ill post pics if It happens


Well-Known Member
I personally don't believe in the whole dipped in opium. Sure there might have been one or two lots ship out like it, but it wasn't what a Thai stick was. If anything it would have been dipped in oil.

Its just never made sense why you would dip it in opium when you could get more for it.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
No, I specifically said, "As I know them..." so as to avoid all that "discussion" again.
Ooopsy - Missed that:shock: - pardon me! Thanks for pointing that out!

Besides, the OP is obviously not talking about either of "our" definitions of a Thai stick, anyway. He seems to be referring to a leaf-wrap.
Yup - and your right too, YUCK - been there, done that.....don't want the T-shirt!

What I meant is a cannabis blunt..magar...thai stick to my knowledge is buds wrapped around bamboo then coated with oil to then be wrapped by cannabis leaves. I won't have the luxury of getting fresh leaves once the bud I'm growing now is all cured which will be as I said a few months from now. It seems this dream will have to wait a few years UNLESS I leave a few bottom buds for a week after chop and retrieve them to wrap the uncured but dried bud in to dry together? I dunno..but I'm going to try it. Ill post pics if It happens
Your going to need the largest leaves available.
Smaller works but, you need more.

I can see your bound and determined to try - so be it.


tstick Told you and I'll "parrot" it here again.

It's going to taste like shit! :spew:Man, I haven't seen one seance the 70's!


Well-Known Member
I grew up in the 70's too and thai stick I had was a buds on a stick usually hemp stalk or bamboo stick and buds were tied on with hemp string fiber probably torn from plant stalk or at least it looked like it. Not dipped in anything just badass bud in a cool presentation. I don't doubt some was dipped but nothing I ever saw in the PNW was anything but good weed.